Bridge 4 Reflection and Process Model – May 2019

  1. I am most proud of the research and data analysis part of my project. The topic I choose was extremely intriguing to me, so conducting my research and creating a project that is essentially a scientific study was something I am proud of. It shed light on an issue that isn’t taken serious and made people stop and think. I liked the fact that anyone viewing my project saw that I had a diverse group of participants. Diversity is an important factor for a project like mine. Im proud that my project incorporates everything that matters to me.
  2. If I had all the money and time in the world to complete this project, I would have conducted a larger study. I would have had at least 50-100 participants answering my questions about social media. I then would have hired a filming crew to record all the participants. I would have video be posted on social media, Instagram and Facebook. I would pay to have it pop up as an advertisement on both social media platforms. This would generate a larger viewing for the short film and allow it to possibly go viral via social media.
  3. If I could rewind back to Spring Break I would have recorded my participants way sooner then I originally did. I would have planned for obstacles to occur and I would’ve set aside 3-4 days for filming. This would have left me more prepared. I also would have used my own film camera. Trying to use a camera that I haven’t used before wasn’t the smartest for a final project.
  4. Studio   (Process Model)


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