
The reason why I like the central park is the place can make me relaxed. Make me feel the charm of nature. Central Park is the place which most impresses me about New York. I remember inside of Central Park have a zoo, a lake, a road for the bike, an area for the horse ride… When you standing in Central Park, you only can see the vast grassland and the sunshine is cover by trees. When I first time went to the USA with my dad in 2012, I went to Central Park. In that time, I never thought about I will study in New York for college. Also, I always can see people at different age are taking a walk.

  1. The squirrel searched for pine cones in the ground, it shows the vast grassland.
  2. Many people are walking with their dogs in the park, it shows it is the place can make people relaxed.
  3. We can see people at different age walking in the walk, it shows this place can suit everyone.
  4. There have a lot of trees had already hundreds of year old, it shows it’s a very well protected place.
  5. Inside of the park has a zoo, it shows the Central Park covers a large area.
  6. Inside of the park has a lake, it shows the surroundings are nice.
  7. Inside of the park has an area for the horse ride, it shows the diversity of the park.
  8. All stone is original from the park, it doesn’t have the stone move from other places, it shows the nature of the park.
  9. There has a lot of sculpture inside of the park, it shows the history of the park.
  10. There have a lot of people at the picnic, it shows the culture of a city.


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