
  • The emergent strategy is inspired me a lot, not like other ways to solve the problem such as idea or things, emergent strategy is based on what we have in the past so solve the problem. According to the book, each person is a special individual, but we are too tininess for 7.7 billion population on earth. We should never underestimate our abilities and the impact. Everyone has a clear position in society, just like an ant colony have worker ant, soldier ant, gyne, queen ant to keep the ant society functioning. Small changes that seem to be insignificant in the end may lead to unpredictable consequences at the end. All people should not afraid fail, lose because when you afraid of them, you will never success, on the other hand, when the fail coming, and people are brave to face it, we can find the problem and solve the problem. Just like in the book, when a person can change little things when they face the problem, the problem is solved and the future gets better. Everyone should also have a dream, when we have a dream, we can build up something and we can get something. Back to daily life, The reason why I really inspire in this article is because I usually fill nervous when I have some difficulty, then I will try to escape, the result will be I am never success on that things, once I read the article, I understand if I can try to change a little bit, I may can have more things. Also, if we try to think the idea of emergent strategy, we can easily find a way to solve the problem, such as the environmental issues we are facing today, if everyone cans change some things and the scientists or president and do an example, so other people will learn from them, I believe the environment will not be a serious problem anymore.
  • During my life,I move a lot of time. From China to LA, LA to NY which cross the ocean and half of the earth. For me, each phase of my life is like water drops and every phase is the gift for me. And in the end, these water drops will become my ocean.

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