[UKIO-E PROJECT INSPIRATIONS] Taiwanese Electro Techno Neon Gods

Goal:create a clustered image using very vibrant colors and complicated patterns

Media: Mainly acrylics on illustration board with the assistance of color pencils and markers for details

Size: 18 inches tall x 40 inches wide (all three panels together)

Inspired by

Kabuki paintings (Classical Japanese Dance-Drama)

I decided to study my country’s — Taiwan’s dance-drama culture, which was heavily influenced by China and by Japan during colonization.

Elements I want to Inlucde:

1. Taiwanese Puppet show truck

2. Taiwanese Electro Techno Neon Gods


these trucks drive around and perform in nightmarkets or other bustling areas

Most of the time they perform just to advertise themselves.

The puppets perform martial arts and has been a channel on the television. On television, special effects can be added.

How the trucks are set up:

Truck version:

TV version:

(I’m still thinking about whether to include the puppets for the puppet shows or not…. probably not because the puppets are more about some serious martial art stories where the Neon Gods are really just hysterical dancers)


These guys are usually hired by organizations – for instance newly opened stores to dance on their openings.

The Neon Gods were originally from a Chinese ancient story. Today they are dressed up in hysterical, exaggerating accessories like LED light stirps, Mickey Mouse gloves, weird glasses etc. They dance to both traditional and modern pop music.

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