Year 1


1.Write which workshop you attended, the date, who taught the workshop, what were the basic topic(s) covered I attended the…

Cultivated Memory

“Ditto” Plaster, Wire, and Paper 11x8x8 inch.   Write a short poem using any form (including free form) in which…


1. Describe your piece objectively, including the size, materials, and form. Be as accurate and specific as you can My…

Bridge 2

I decided rather than doing a project on a specific piece, I decided to use a lost medium and make…

Wire Controller

Describe the general character and specific design features that led you to choose the object you chose to work with. -I chose the Nintendo…

Color (Bridge #1)

Color Walk   I spent the majority of my walk following the color yellow where I saw it. I found…

Open Works Installation

Video Link Installation artist statement   With my installation I am trying to commentated on something that is very important…

Bridge #5

This course has been a trip in both making and writing. It definitely got me out of my comfort zone…
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