Finally a game about James Berry

The final for my Core Game Environments Class is to create a game around our lives.

An autobiographical game was a dream of mine since a while now! I’ve wanted to make a game where I could tell people of my imaginative worlds and characters and they could play through my life. The game I will end up creating will be a fusion of that dream and another more recent goal I have where I create a running simulator with a character that has super speed.

My Final, “Berry” will be a statement on my last name, my trials and tribulations of coming to accept the name or reject it. (The ending would be that I do accept it)

I’ve had trouble with my whole name “James W_ _ _ _ Berry” since grade school, I’d get picked on for my middle and last names. Something changed in the people around me during highschool and my last name went from lame to really cool, I don’t exactly know why but it really influenced me to show it off more than before. To this day though, my middle name is rarely seen or heard, that reveal will be for a later time in my life.

My Game

It will be a 3rd person 3D level platform game with probably 2 levels to start. They will be representations of moments in my life where I had to overcome something in order to understand my name and how much I choose to allow it to shape me as a person. The objective of the game will be to get to some checkpoint through some obstacles, using the berries to help you power-up into my super forms, “Mr. Berry”. Mr. Berry has superpowers depending on what types of berries you collect. Using those berries strategically will help you pass the levels I’ll create.

Some W-I-P and Inspirational pics:


Some pretty inspiring games my professor suggested I check out were by Anna Anthropy (Dys4ia , and Triad ) Triad was good in helping me see how a simple game mechanic could make for interesting play, trying to fit three people and a cat into a bed for a good night’s sleep. Dys4ia was great at helping me see how simple straight forward sentences in what felt like a dialog to the player turned into little creative levels. The whole story was told through these little levels, strung together nicely.


Some Media for after I presented:


I was given a pretty weird game cabinet at our game expo at Baby Castles

Download and Play the beta version now at:


Watch out for it, I want to take my life game to great places,

James W. Berry

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