LS Studio 1: Memory_Bridge assignment#3


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NY lives is the profile book of ten people that our group chose while doing the interview. The title itself has two meanings: lives as a plural form of life and live as to be alive.

As a class we went to Washington Square Park to interview random people. Our group have split up into two and interviewed about 25 people. At first, we planned to make a tattoo book that could utilize our team members talent, but there was no consistency with the content. Therefore, we decided to focus on the photographs and the storyline to maintain the consistency.

For the cover, we cropped people’s photographs that could represent oneself. For example, for John, who is a guitarist, we have cropped his hand and guitar. For the content, we wrote short description that could give a glimpse of their lives.

It was my first time to work as a group and interview strangers, which was challenging, but it was interesting to listen to various people’s unique life stories and to collaborate with other people and create an artwork.