Object Repetition

         My architectural feature I chose to document throughout the week was light switches. These switches seem insignificant in comparison to the build of a structure and the electric systems that are inside of the walls, however without them there would be no light. Throughout the week I noticed that light switches are usually placed in an obvious spot. For example most of the light switches in my house are near a door or opening. Taking repetitive photographs made me realize how important the placement of these switches are. Imagine coming home at night , you took the lights off before you left the house , its completely dark. If the light switch isn’t near the door, you could hurt yourself trying to find it. The placement of everything in a home, even the light switch needs to be properly taken into consideration for safety. Also the switches come in different forms. The standard switch can turn the light on or off completely. Other switches can control how much luminosity the lightbulb is giving off. This got me thinking about how which light switch safes the most money on energy. Do we pay the same amount of money when we flip on a standard switch and when we use a dimmer ? In addition many of the switches in the same buildings look the same. Every time I was in a new house this week the type of switch changed slightly. After looking at switches that were on the walls, it lead me to switches on a lamp. Every time I look at the photographs I took I’m reminded of the clap on clap off commercials. You can clap and your lights would come on. This entire exercise is making me think of ways to redesign a light switch.

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