Peer Interview + Artist/Designer Statement

         My main interests in design is architecture , specifically making buildings more sustainable. Sustainable building is cost effective, durable, and promotes a healthy environment. I hope to be a leader in sustainable design to help change the outcomes of global warming and other issues that are hurting the planet. I draw influences from past architects. In my work you can see inspiration from Buckminster Fuller, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Frank Gehry. I use their designs as building blocks, and use their logic, and some of their aesthetic in my own designs. I use life and the environment around me as a guide for design. Sometimes I look at random things and think how it could be formed into a structure. Architecture transcends into my other forms of art. In my sketchbook I use architectural drafting and an abstract style that I developed along with color to create original pieces of work that I enjoy. In addition all of my designs are very colorful and present. This is a theme throughout all my works, light and color are always essential. Overall I’m motivated by creativity, anything that makes me creatively I try to explore. I have many works throughout other mediums and types of art from photography, graphic design, video, animation, music etc. but I’m most passionate about architecture because I feel like my design skills will have the strongest impact in this profession.

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