Intro Design Studies


The Object That I Selected


Object: iPod (Fourth Generation)

Release date: July 19, 2004

The fourth generation iPod is a portable audio device created to hold large libraries of music and audiobooks. It is rectangular with the dimensions 4.1 x 2.4 x 0.5 and weighs only 5.6 ounces because it is meant to fit comfortable in the palm of one’s hand. It consists of white plastic in the front and a chrome finish in the back. The back of the device is plain, save for the engraved company logo in the center, a bitten apple, and the words iPod underneath it. The upper front part of the device has a 2-inch greyscale screen and the lower half a gray circle with a smaller white circle in the center. The buttons are placed within the gray circle and have standard audio playback symbols which are meant to represent the functions of each direction pressed (down is play/pause, right is next, left is back, and up is menu). The small white center button is the selection button.The buttons are placed on the lower part of the iPod because it gives better access to the thumb when gripped. The circular click-wheel also allows for a more intuitive navigation with the thumb. On the bottom of the device is a charging port which allows the device to charge on a dock while standing upright. On the top is a microphone jack and lock button, which still provides access to the iPod while it is in the pocket.

The iPod is the first of its kind, in terms of modern portable audio devices that inspired so many other innovative designs afterwards. It is sleek and simple and easy to use. One question I have is why did they decided the color white? What was the reasoning behind leaving the back bare? Was this the preliminary iPhone? How much did they want to add to this design before deciding to just make another device, example, the iPhone. Originally they kept adding more and more to the design, audiobooks, color, pictures capabilities, etc. but then started minimizing again with the ipod shuffle, and went back to the basics with just music. I find it interesting to consider at what point something becomes overdesigned and has to be scaled back.


Jose Deschamps

Intro Design Studies

October 4, 2017