high-line reflection


temperature; 62

sunny; cloudy; windy

at 19;30-21;00 ish


all gender any ages


a lot of nature on the side

trees, grasses, flowers


dark,  dramatic lighting, lighting from different buildings, lighting for art pieces


it was my third time to go  Highline. I always like that place but I get a stomachache every time I go. the place is very dramatic and everyone can tell that it was Highline they left all the parts and materials that were used for the Highline. The building and plants match really well such as the central park. The last time  I went there we talked about history and jacks position in that area, so I knew some background of it. At this time I learned new things too, such as new knowledge and history of it. The guest speaker told us about how the Highline and building nearby used to use for storage space, which was very interesting to me to think about the history and how it was used.

The Highline space is a symbol of the relationship between NYC and art. NYC has a lot of artworks and museums because people care about sustainability and how we can communicate with nature and systems throughout artworks, even in my hometown there are few public art spaces, I think this is a very nice experience that I am in NY and to be the part of this community.

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