
one gallon of water 

put 6 tea bags

add sugar

mix it

wait for the certain temperature

move it to the plastic container

add Apple cider vinegar

this paper was the only thing that was in the kit. the litmus paper was not included, so I was not able to know pH in this project.

got it from the kit

put it into the container carefully

put it in a safe and warm place in my room. 😉

——after 3 weeks—–

unfortunately, it was failed, I could not get leather from the container.

I could see something is floating but it is all separated and too small to collect.

the SCOBY after 3 weeks, it has a thin layer on the top and some tea stick on the top.

another side of SCOBY

there is something on the container.

overall reflection

I started the Kombucha leather project 3 weeks ago, then I realized that litmus paper was not included in the kit, so it is one thing that may be a reason why it was failed.  The other reason that I could think is room temperature. Inside of the room was not always at same temperature and it was hard to control. If I have another chance to do this, I would use a space that I can control the temperature and check the pH by using litmus paper.

This project was interesting for me to understand the logic of how we can make the Kombucha leather and as a fashion designer, I definitely like to try someday next semester.






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