Process Documentation of Bridge #2

On this journey to school, I am always curious about who I am going to run into. And by curious I mean that I am plagued by anxiety. Why? Because I hate seeing people I know when I’m not prepared to. When I walk to class, I always try to avoid the most direct path, which is straight up 15th until you reach Union Square. Instead I turn left at the corner of 15th and Second, then right at 13th until I reach the University Center. There is very little nature to observe. Maybe a few trees or potted plants on each block.  On the walk I normally feel stressed, because I am chronically late to everything. Which probably has something to do with my need to feel fully prepared to face the world before I leave the house. Other times, on the rare occasion that I leave the house with plenty of time, I bounce happily on my way to class with my headphones in, blaring whatever weird sub-genre of alternative music I select for that day. When I try to remember the walk, I first think of the corner of 14th and 2nd, where the KFC is. I think about this because the crosswalk here blinks for so long, something like 24 seconds. Next I think about he NYU dorms I pass. I always feel like a freak when meet the eyes of some sports-gear-clad normie going in or out of the building. Some days I am in love with that feeling, other days it makes me want to cry right there in the middle of the street. Then they would definitely stare. Next I remember the doorway with fake flowers surrounding it. It’s like a high end spa or salon something bougie like that, but I just love the fake flowers. They are such a whimsical contrast to energetic fire house next door and the burrito place on the corner, where transient people often find refuge. These big fake roses in varying shades of pink, that look like they belong in my grandmothers house, are so out of place, but never fail to brighten my walk. Mostly because they are a halfway mark of my journey. 

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