From Deconstruction to Pattern-Tracing and Transfer to 2nd Garment


Here are the close ups of my 1st garment. It is a simple sweatshirt from Supreme that I wore often to be my pajamas when I was in high school. However, it has some holes beside the cuff so I decided to use it for my project.

Here are some close ups of my second garment. It is a shirt that I brought from Zara.

After I draw the patterns of the second garment on tracing papers and was trying to pin them on the first garment, I found out that I don’t have enough fabrics. I also realized that I need to leave more fabric for the sleeve in order to create the special effects that the second garment had.

finished form!

Here is the finished new garment that I had transformed my first garment’s fabric into the second garment. 🙂

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