Mid-term Repair Project + PS147 collaboration

  1. unionsq observation record


2.  Attempt your repair and then reflect by answering the following:

1) Was the repair successful? Are you happy with the results?

Yes, the repair was successful, I am happy with the results.

2) Is the repair more beautiful/interesting in some way than the original?

I definitely think that the repaired bag is more beautiful and meaningful because of the stuffed toy that I used for repairing is actually comes from my baby sister. She gave me this stuffed toy and told me to carry it with me, instead of carrying it, I sewed it to one of my most used bags. I actually didn’t like the appearance of the new school bag before this, but now it is so cute!

3) Is the object more or less resilient after your repair?  How long do you expect this repair to actually last?

I think my bag is more resilient after my repair since I used fabric and a toy to hide and repair the ripped hole. I was expecting this repair can last for at least 4 years.

4) Did your repair require fewer materials and involve fewer systems than buying a new replacement? Which systems?

Production of a tote bag requires a lot of water and dye, so since I repaired it, I helped with the water system from the production line. It is definitely an act of sustainability.

5) What did you learn through the process, did you encounter unexpected challenges or successes?

I learned that I can repair something myself since I have never done it before, the experience is quite fun to me, although I was struggling a little bit when sewing fabrics from the inner part of the bag.

6) What would you do differently next time? Are there other ways you could have repaired this item, that you realize now?

I think that I can try to repair it to let it looks back to when its condition was good.

7) After completing this project, do you consider repair a more valuable skill? Why/why not? Is there something you wish you could repair but don’t feel as though you currently have the skills to do so?

I definitely think that repair is a more valuable skill because people who do the repair works are very respectful. When I put into time and work to repair an object, I knew that I was respecting this object and was having a more ceremonial life, I felt calmness and focus. When you think of how people need to practice hundreds of hours to gain the skill to repair, the job of repair is so honorable.

8) Did you enjoy creating this project with the fourth-grade students in mind? Did you find this helpful or more challenging etc.?  Any feedback on the experience or process that you would like to share? 

I enjoyed creating this project with the fourth-grade students in mind. It is so cute to have the idea with me when creating this, it is also very helpful because of the aesthetic of children is similar to my artistic aesthetic. So, to have the fourth-grade students in mind let me remind myself to simplified instructions.

3. repair project


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