Wire Shoe Proj

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Processed with VSCO with 3 preset

Processed with VSCO with 3 preset

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A.  How did you begin making your wire shoe?

I began with the base of the shoe, and then the basic silhouette to the details.

B.   Which exercises, projects, skills or realizations helped you with the process, and how? list THREE:

1. The wire polygon helped me a lot because it was my first time get in touch with making 3 dimensional stuff with wire. It helped me practiced a lot.

2. The 6 views of the shoe. Since I drew them all on plain paper, it helped me to measure the length of each wire I should use.

3. Skills I learned from class helped me a lot during the progress, which Ms. Wennie taught us how to link and fix two wires.

C.  What did you realize after completing the shoe? How has the experience altered your perspective/thinking?

I was really enjoyed during the process, because I saw how it turned out more like a shoe     as I adding more details. Maybe because of that I’ve never get in touch with wire before, I thought this task is impossible to finish before I started it.

D.  Which was your favorite shoe during the class critique and WHY?

I really love Michelle’s shoe because she is always professional in catching the details of the shoe, which I found really difficult because of using wire. Her techniques are so neat that I can’t find any part of the shoe is rough. Her zipper and using of color contrast of two wires also amaze me.

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