Electronic Learning Portfolio

LP: Methodology Update

Topic: Contemporary entertainment culture and fashion’ impact on people’s values in China Discoveries:  People who act excessive kitsch, vulgar expression…

LP: Methodology Plan

Strategy & Timeline for research paper Topic: Contemporary entertainment culture and fashion’ impact on people’s values in China Outline and…

ARS 10 Cited and Annotated Images

Live streaming broadcasters in China "China Live in American Eyes." PEdaily.cn. October 09, 2016. Accessed February 20, 2019. https://news.pedaily.cn/201610/20161009403825.shtml. The…

ARS Sources Checklist

Topic:Contemporary entertainment culture and fashion' impact on people’s values in China Historical Sources Brown, Jane D., and Piotr S. Bobkowski.…

Artist Statement

Artist Statement In the past two and half years in Parsons, my works have all revolved around "self", “emotional expressions”…

“Splash dress” by Iris Van Herpen Unlike rest of other garments, this one stands out especially unique in my first…
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