Artist Statement

Artist Statement

In the past two and half years in Parsons, my works have all revolved around “self”, “emotional expressions” and my personal opinions on some happenings. I’ve done small installations and paintings on cyberbullying and people who have emotional disorders. As a student majoring in fashion design, my theme still revolves around “self”. The clothes I design seem to exist in a perfect world atmosphere that I create. This kind of atmosphere comes from the inner self, the ideal appearance that I yearn for. They are extremely feminine, romantic, colorful, and tender.

Most people in this world think about how to simplify and make life easier, but I love the complex, messy, and flawed parts. In fashion, I prefer to design clothes that accentuate a woman’s physical beauty rather than unisex. I Want to bring in something that’s childish, innocent, maybe even rebellious into the garments. My designs are probably like a child’s indictment to the adult world.

Garments that I made from last semester

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