Fabric Manipulation Technique & Application

1.  Include a link to a “how to” video or a graphic about ONE technique that you studied. Explain why you like this technique. One paragraph. 

I really love this technique because it is very interesting and unusual way to texture fabric. And only a heat gun can burn various patterns of fabric. I can also explore how different fabrics appeared variously  from the heat. The video showed many final appearance and I love them so much because they are so beautiful.

2.  Include one example of a garment that uses fabric manipulation. Explain how the manipulation technique is key in the design. One paragraph. 

This is a picture of Giles fall 2012 in London Fashion Week. It has several frilly dresses embellished with feathers and burn-like patterns. This technique creates a old fashioned look with the rough and stained edges. The burned color also matched with the dress.

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