How does the encounter with “the Other” shape the “self”?

There is a famous Chinese proverb says, “He that lies down with dogs must rise up with flea”, which means that, what kind of group of people you meet can affect you to be alike them. The way “the Other” shape the “self” is by letting the “self” gradually get used to their way to talk, their living habits, and even their behavior. After the “self” gets used to all those personality, “the Other” is kind of shaping the “self” into how they look like. For example, when your friends are all hard-working, you must be hard-working as well. This is because you stay in the environment of hard-working, and it is hard for you to be lazy since it might probably be weird when you act unlike most of the people you know, and vice versa. In this way, a group of “the Other” creates its unique environment to affect the “self” and shape the “self”.

How does memory shape the “self”?

“Self” is always define as the personality of a person. A personality is created by millions of memory clips, that is, what happened to the person can make him or her to be what kind of person. For example, if a person lives in a wealthy family and has smooth and wellfed life, he or she must have a outgoing personality that always being optimistic, and never worried about everything because there is always someone help he or she to clean up the mess he or she caused. This kind of person has the personality that always being gluttonous and lazy; the memory clips of being brought up in the lap of luxury causing them this personality.

However, if a person lives in a poor family and lives in a hardship, he or she probably works harder than the kind of person I mention above. Some of them even get bullied by others because of their situation. This kid of memory clips might probably bring negative experience to these people. In this way, this kind of person might be more bashful and timidity than the people from wealthy family.