Time: Final Project – Movie – Ethnic Neighborhoods in Manhattan

In this project, I made a movie of the ethnic neighborhoods in Manhattan. I shot all those video clips in the morning to the night in 4 different locations: Japanese Street, China Town, Little Italy, and Korean Town. I used different filters on each location, and I use different ways of transition from one location to another.

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy3w4rhnSrw

Time Map

I am interested on this chapter because of the huge contrast. In this chapter, the writer describes two different scenarios, which are the messy gay party, “ They sweep in dirt, smash chairs, break windows” and “ One hear the sounds of broken glass, shouting, howling, laughter. People meet at unwarranted times, burn their appointment books, throw away their watches, drink through the night”, and the tidy area after people clean up after partying, “ calendars become organized, their appointments arranged, their accounts balanced. Lipsticks and brushes and letters may be tossed into purses with the satisfaction.”

In my collages, I decide to use 1 cardboard with images only to describe the gay party that mentioned in the article, 1 cardboard with texts only to describe the clean and tidy after-party environment, and 1 cardboard with both images and text to be the combination of clean and messy. I decided to put the image-only panel on the top right corner, the image-text combinated panel on the top left, and the text-only panel on the left bottom.

I used red tape to make stripes and naked males’ image to create a licentious scene of the gay party. Since everything is disarranged, it has the feeling of chaotic.

For the combination panel, I extended the tape from the chaotic one to it to create the feeling of extension. This way could help these two collages to link together. I also linked the text-only one with this collage with text that originally from the article.

As what I mentioned on top, I chose some text from the article to stick on the board orderly, and some of the words is link to the combination collage. The way I arrange the text creates the feeling of orderliness.