Artifact number 3

I really love Bellyache by the amazing artist Billie Eilish so much, so I drew a sketch of her freely smiling (one of the shots in the music video) even though it’s a song about bittersweet revenge. I remember when my brother and I would get back at each other whenever we fought, but the revenge Eilish pulled in her story is something a psychopath would do.

Artifact number 2

I choose to wake up and dress up everyday for myself, but for what do I wake up for?

My body shakes and stirs, but my mind; where is it exactly?

Oh right, my phone. My mind is always one step ahead in these matters.

So much so that this has become less of a habit and more like an everyday ritual.

I chat with my friends for awhile, laughing around and teasing each other until I finally get myself up to care for my hygiene.

For what do I wake up for exactly?

Some would say simply to live, others would comment, in a silly manner, for food! or, seriously, to reach their goals and dreams.

But before all of that, I live for the happy days with my precious friends.







(WOOO first post) Artifact number 1 ?

Artifact(s) number 1 (literally, well they aren’t that old, around ten years)

So these two pals right here were my first friends as a child and I still kept them ’til this very day. I don’t think it’s wrong to like huggable, cute things; but it might be a little bit worrisome if this habit still continues on as I mature into adulthood ?… nah ?. So that’s why I got more buds without a ounce of hesitation. Here’s the fam – extended Artifact(s) number 1.

All of them were gifts by the way, so that just makes them even more precious, yanno?

I think this goes to show that I don’t let go of things easily (this could be a bad and good trait ?) and that I also cherish things from my friends and family. Thank you mom and dad for blessing me with those two buds ?, if it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have grown a passion for kermits and penguins (Mom, Dad? Why are you looking at your daughter like that? ??)