S T U D I O III P R O C E S S J O U R N A L ~ Y:4/3

sym·bi·o·sis ~ 1st Year

The first day Harvest handed us a list of questions were the class would go around the room and see who matched. I remember it had to do with writing and fashion. Most of the class was a fashion major, and I remember how easy this simple getting to know you assignment was. I honestly could only relate to the writing themed ones…. And I was probably the only one who marked those boxes. At that moment I was excited to learn more from my professors and classmates. That for sure happened this semester. I have not experienced such a class full of students who all go above and beyond. Just cause they have to, but because their passion drives them. On top of that they are all so incredibly talented, and I feel so lucky to have been able to work with them.

Our last project I felt that our team clicked ideawise in a vision. It was so much fun to collaborate with them! Not only that but our seminar papers happened to be similar to each other, so we also grew more in studio as well as in seminar. Our research and garments grew more because of how tightly connected our discussions and process every step of the way was. Our vision didn’t always match 100%, but that is natural. This helped push us to grow as artists and make our design more versatile for everyone. We wanted to help better the environment around us, and raise awareness. Sustainability was quite key to us.


This video with the skirt, shirt, and pants was filmed by me, the caplet was filmed by Bella, and the film was edited by Zihan.


A segment of our mission statement:

Confronting with one of the world’s most crucial topic sustainability, our fashion brand Two Qi wants to alleviate the negative impacts to human bodies and the environment induced by:

– non-renewable materials such as cancerogenic synthetic fabrics

– chemical and wasteful proceeding of materials such as dying

– unsustainable business strategies

– inappropriate consuming habits

The materials and fabrication of our garments are 100% natural and use the least

amount of energy possible. The textiles are based on palm leaves, raw wool, moos,

organic cotton, pressed leaves, air plants and wheatgrass. Compared to synthetic

fabrics, which cause cancer, mental diseases, asthma, allergies and autoimmune

diseases these materials all have healthy benefits. By using onion as a way of

natural dying, moos, pressed leaves and O2 producing plants we actively save

energy and decrease the CO2 household on our planet. To close the production

circle the garment has a second purpose when the customer doesn’t want to wear it

anymore. This means it becomes a decoration for the apartment, food or cosmetica

( Aloe Vera as a body lotion) . As a last step, people bring the reusable parts back

to our company and compost the rest. Longliveity in symbiosis with nature.


Our contemporary society is occupied with the fast pace of living such as

productivity, development, and efficiency. This penetrates also into the fashion

world: people pursue profit-oriented fashion marketing and day-to-day changing

outfit with attributes like new, updated, and fresh. Consequently, our company

would like to establish and redefine the sense of steadiness, persistence, and

carefulness through fabrication and design. Our brand will follow the habits of

observing and making decisions in a long-term perspective to inspire others. Our

brand is all about enjoying life embracing taking the time when living a busy

lifestyle. We strive to make a connection with each individual interacting with the

garment. Not profit oriented.


Our logo:


In summary:

  • Meret handfelted wool and grew wheat grass on her textile.
  • Zihan dyed her fabric with veggies
  • Bella made a caplet with leaves


I made a top out of plants and reused fabric lining. I thought that this tied in with my research paper because plants are natural and they are safe on our skin. Chemicals that are harmful to us such as synthetic fibers that we are wearing today are not. Rethinking that idea is important for our health as well as for our environment. Enzymes are the catalysts between a chain reaction and when thinking of the fabrics we clothe ourselves in and the changes in the environment constantly happening our PH balance is shifting consciously. The choices we make include our environment, and affect not only the climate but our ecosystems. As well as social aspects and the bodies of all creatures including humans. Chemical balances from nature have an effect on reactions within our body and outside of it. The two work together whether they want to or not. We can learn from previous situations to apply new innovations and problem solving into today’s world. That is what we started to do as a group and as indviuals.

Our presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aiSeCsQZMH3MBXO3E-52wkHsLFYh9k3hXIadXqFQkao/edit?usp=sharing

Our website:https://2twoqi.wixsite.com/twoqi


Making the garment:




Final outcome:


The photoshoot: I took all the photos of the shirt, skirt, and pants. The caplet photos were taken by Bella.


I am going to continue to further my research as well as implement the idea of nontoxic chemicals and finding other resources to use when making and for others whether it is in clothing or anything else to help the ecosystem as a whole. This experience taught me that when combining ideas and thoughts positive progress for the future it can bring unity as well as more positive impacts. We just have to be willing to be open minded.