Spring Elective

2D to 3D

I made these as the spirit takes me; I mean I just followed my feeling and made these whatever I felt and wanted. I think it is a little bit abstract and weird, but because it became strange and also because I followed my feeling, so I do love it so much.

There are different from the first one; it is fancy and very organized, and not abstract. I searched on Youtube how to transit 2D to 3D. I got the ideas of shapes of models from some sources. (I attached two links) I spent 12hours to make these five models, which are pretty long time, but still, I think it was valuable because I learned somethings and could make two different big concepts.

This model is the favorite one that I chose.

These are what I drew.  The first has various shapes and sizes. The dark shadows look like a woman who is wearing a long dress with holding a wine glass.  The middle one has many small paper shapes in one 3D paper, and it seems like waving like a wave on the ocean. It also makes me imagine up and down rhythm like dancing rhythmically. The last picture appears biggy and visible light and dark. Behind the splendor of shapes, I feel like it has loneliness that no one else knew.

These are my final pictures and three draws.

However, for my fabric models, I just wanted to try something new, so I chose this zigged model.

I spent over two hours for transferring this paper model to fabrics, but it did not really work. I think it is because I tried to make very tiny shapes as I did in my paper model.

Therefore, I just changed my plan to make the bigger shape, so I made this big shaped paper.

These are what I got from the fabrics (light, medium, Heavy)


The light fabric was very easy to iron, but it could not stand by itself.— actually, it could, but I took a little bit long time to make it stand.  My favorite one was the medium fabric because it is not too light or too heavy. It was working very well for standing and ironing. However, for the last one, the heavy fabric, it was tough to do iron, so I just did four times to each side for making the folded lines. I understand entirely how the iron works to the different kinds of fabrics; I got pretty enjoyable and good experience from this project!

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