Integrative Studio 2

My Own Diagrams of Two Different Rooms

My first bridge project is to create my own diagrams of my current apartment and my childhood apartment.  The first one is my childhood house, and the second one is my current house. I think both diagrams and systems are very clear because I consulted floorplans from the online, and I tried to replicate the floorplans accurately. The interesting concept is that I used symbolic emoticons to represent my emotional feeling. There are two keywords for the first diagram, emotion. In my childhood apartment, when I was young, my parents were not in my apartment because they rushed. So, they did not really come back home earlier than me. So, I felt really lonely and depress, so I used tear emoticon for expressing my sad feeling. However, when my parents or somebody were in my apartment when I opened the door, I felt really warm and excited. Therefore, I chose pink heart color for representing my happiness. My current apartment, I am living with three cute dogs, so I do not feel lonely or scared when I come back to my apartment, for my dogs always welcome me. So, I am usually happy and relaxed my apartment, especially, with lying on my bed because I feel like I share my feeling with my lovely dogs. However, I do not really feel comfortable or happy when I am in the bathroom or sit on the desk, for when I take a shower, I do not know what this feeling about but I feel terrified of something. Also, sitting on the desk, I feel like I cannot sleep whole night because of my homework assignments, which is really a lot. Sometimes, I just enjoyed my homework, but most of the time, I am so stressful that I have a deadline for all my assignment which is really short. So I represent this stressful feeling with cloudy and thunderbolt. I chose the purple color for this because, in Korea, purple color means “dead”; when I am doing homework, I feel like I am in the hell, so I decided to paint it with purple. The pink parts(yellow parts in a new one), it represents the most of time, and the green one(black pieces in a new one) is every day, but only for few mins per day. The blue parts(still blue in the new one) are over one hour to use. The New floor plans, the Korean spicy rice cakes represent relaxed, happy, and comfortable because Korean spicy rice cake is my favorite food. Cucumber expresses my scared feeling because I hate cucumber at all, and I felt very scared when my mother asked me to eat it. I chose carrots to represent my stress because I felt very stressful when I eat carrots, but still I should eat. It serves even though I do not want to do it, but still, I must do.

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