
Tag Archives: #artist

Darren MacPherson – mental health
Darren MacPherson – mental health [...]
costume design / shape of water costume designer – Milicent Patrick
costume design / shape of water costume designer – Milicent Patrick
Since I am always really interested in theater arts and also costume design, and this idea of performing art and visual arts was around me recently, I [...]
Dr. Mehmet Berkmen and  Maria Peñil Cobo – Bacteria Art
Dr. Mehmet Berkmen and  Maria Peñil Cobo – Bacteria Art Recently I just got a stomach ache by food poisoning, which was related to bacteria. I came up the idea of germs and [...]
Joy Sela – psychology
First I search for a lot of artist that went through mental illness and having psychological problem, however, I found out that a lot of them were artists [...]
Marina Abramović – body
The inspired word of mine was the word body. Since recently, I am really focusing on feeling my body and the nutrition intake of health, the word body just [...]
My thoughts that popped out today contained health, nutrition, astrology, and dance since this morning, I am, planning out how to create my own meal plan [...]
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