fabric & thread project: heat source, Manci

video: detail demonstration


The site that I chose for observation was Union Sq 14th St Station. I watched a lot of street artists performing in cold weather for hours. They were performing for the passengers passing by, bringing people happiness but at the same time they were not, because of no matter if anyone really gets the performance, they would continue. In that regard they were really doing this for themselves. Understanding that carrying heavy devices and commute to crowded public space was nothing easy, I don’t know what was motivating them to perform regularly, but I admired that passion and determination so much. The street artists within the NY state is a community that contains very different people, binding by nothing but their radiation. They were like heat sources radiating to surroundings,  and the radiation was uneven and covering the entire space. I picked light materials that can float and support themselves in the air. The warm colors in my work represented when someone was captured by their performance, the temperature at that spot would rise.