Thesis/Concept Statement – Alyssa

While browsing through social media platforms for hours on end, it is often that we are unaware of the effects that they have on us. YouTube, a major streaming platform, is home to all sorts of content, whether it be music videos, food reviews, gaming screen caps, or makeup tutorials. One of the major YouTube communities that has developed over time, is the beauty blogger community. These videos tend to consist of clothing hauls, daily vlogs, makeup tutorials, or weekly outfits. Specifically targeting teenage girls, this type of content may provide helpful advice, although it can promote unhealthy buying habits. YouTubers are depicted showing bags of clothes, candles, and makeup, all while suggesting that their audience should buy it as well. What does impact does this have on their young and impressionable viewers?

In this research paper, I will highlight the underlying issues with these YouTube videos and how they promote consumerism to masses. I will discuss, interview, and survey different people within this targeted audience, to see if these videos prove to have a negative influence on viewers. This will provide me with further insight to my study, along with several reputable sources.