Bridge 4: Alejandra Sanjur

  • A description of the topic

Misconceptions and stereotypes of Illegal immigration

  • Your objectives – longterm ideas for change

Reevaluation of immigration policies.

  • Your goals – short term, small steps to initiate social change

-Break misconceptions of illegal immigration as a whole and bring awareness to those that are misinformed.

-Document the lives of cuban immigrants in Miami in order to break stereotypes of illegal immigration  

-Personal stories in a form of a zine highlighting the lives and stories of people that came to miami. These stories and images hopefully break stereotypes.

  • Who is the audience?

People who have misconceptions about illegal immigration

Illegal immigrants that have misconceptions about themselves

  • 5 ideas to achieve your goals

-a tapestry of words and photos of cuban immigrants

-a video of cuban immigrants explaining why they came to the US

-A Zine with photos as well as quotes/ stories

-instillation with photos and sound of people telling their stories and why they had to leave their home country


  • sketches / visualization
  • 1 inspiration – a project an artistic activist project that speaks to you

Guadalupe Rosales (USA b. 1980) is an artist based in Los Angeles.  She is the founder and operator of Veteranas & Rucas and Map Pointz, digital archives accessible through Instagram.