Object Impressionism Journal – Entry 4

I bought my iPad to the class that day because I thought I’d be able to use it for entertainment at some point (maybe break) and also because instead of bringing my laptop, I’d bring my iPad because it was easier to carry. Tablets are practically a mini laptop anyways so there’s virtually no difference. I could easily access the internet with one press – the same goes for my phone. Technology’s presence is so strong in our daily lives that without it we’d feel a great sense of loss. We wouldn’t have the quick access to knowledge that’s predominant currently or the power to send messages to people around the world in one second. Technology has made our daily lives easier, but it also comes at the cost. This cost may or may not affect everyone, but personally, I find it hard to escape from the web, being wrapped around its threads – as in, I can’t  shut down my laptop. I could spend hours and hours on my laptop doing nothing, but watch videos. My friend shares a similar situation scrolling down her Instagram feed. Still, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages and I don’t view this problem as technology’s fault but more so of mine (in that I can’t resist the desire to search through Youtube for hours without rest). But I know there are some people who have an unhealthy relationship with the web, using it as a platform to be someone else as on the internet, no one knows if you’re a dog. I’d also like to touch upon the waste technology produces especially in the mass production of Apple products. But that’s where innovative designers step in, to make technology more efficient and the future brighter.

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