Object Impressionism Journal – Entry 7

From the early ages of drying mashed pulp of something to make paper to now, using abundances of trees to make the accessible bundles of paper we have today, paper has definitely come a long way. In addition to the huge focus on recycling and reusing old paper to make new paper. In many developed countries, paper is something taken for granted, even more so in the age of recycling where people are in the mindset that we can still use more paper because it’s being reused. Maybe this isn’t the case though with the advent of technology, there seems to be less reason to use paper. However, there are strong believers of the traditional way of learning, which is writing directly on a piece of paper that’s why there hasn’t been a full push to stop using paper and have everything on tablets or on the internet. That kind of world seems unbelievable now but may come one day. Perhaps it’ll come after much persuasion or when we finally realize chopping down trees isn’t cutting it. Either way, switching to a technology-based society would also be difficult because the mass production of it would also be destructive. Will there be any way to fully stop pollution? It’s something we all strive to fix every day, but even simply having the drive to save our planet isn’t enough which is why we need to plan with everything in consideration.

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