Pre-Trip Assignment

Michelle Tu

February 22, 2018

Pre-Field Trip Assignment

There was a time in the past around the late 1700s through the early 1800s where guns were a necessity and it was a given right for any American to bear arms. However, things have changed drastically from that time to now the modern age of technology and other advancements. The potential danger of guns disrupts the peace of America. Especially because of the abrupt shootings that occur around the country in schools or in locations with mass crowds of people. Although there have been laws implemented to increase the security and authenticity of selling and buying guns in the US, such as the Gun Control Act 1968, pushed by President Lyndon B. Johnson after the assassination of President John Kennedy, that restricted the purchase of guns to those under the age of 21, the mentally ill and prohibited felons. It also banned imported guns, but those that were manufactured from out of the country had to be labeled with a serial number. This shows how lax our laws on gun control are despite the additions of more restrictions over time, which have little to no effect on the mass shootings that happen frequently in the US. How many shootings will be enough for the Congress to push for real gun control? This is why in the past years, along with the increase in shootings, there also have been many protests against the use of guns. There has been much activity amongst our generation to raise more awareness for the cause, which is ridiculous to say because how more awareness do those with authority need? I’ve seen many students speak out on these matters in front of large audiences because they were either indirectly or directly affected by shootings and I applaud them for doing so. For believing in the change that happens with the joined hands of others.

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