Process Documentation & Project/ “Green Analysis on Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia” – May 2019

The inspiration behind this work was my fascination with how the tallest building in Malaysia could be sustainable and I was eager to find out different ways in which the company could alter the building to make it more sustainable. This interest in sustainability rosed from my artist discovery post where I came across Stefano Boeri, an architect that has designed various green buildings in Milan. My research thesis for this work is even though an improper execution of sustainable features could lead to inefficiency, through the use of photovoltaic cells, green roofs, sustainable design, daylight harvesting system and the implementation of LED lights, it is proven that green buildings are effective in tropical climates upon the conditions of well-executed sustainable features.

My studio project could be described as a narrowed down analysis from my overall research paper. As my research paper focuses on whether green buildings would be effective in hot and humid weather like Malaysia, I wanted to create a more in-depth analysis on a specific building in Malaysia as I feel that this way of study could give me a more comprehensive and clear answer due to a smaller scope. However, as evidence was provided in my research paper on the Green Energy Office building in Malaysia, it was easier for me to make comparisons and figure out why some of the environmentally-friendly features will or will not work in different buildings.

Bridge 3 ELP Post:

Process Documentation:

Step 1: Brainstorming the necessary things that I want to include (this part was relatively easy as I have researched all of the green measures and policies in Malaysia in Bridge 3.)

Step 2: Creating a storyboard

Step 3: Creating some magazine template ideas

Step 4: Deciding to create using Adobe Indesign and Adobe Photoshop and to print my final magazine on glossy papers to create a magazine look.

Step 5: Print and combine.

Step 6: Create a PowerPoint presentation so that the audience could understand the links between my research findings and studio project.


  • Include a table of contents
  • Add in attributes at the end.
  • Add in more information about KLCC, the company that owns Petronas Twin Towers

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