Electronic Learning Portfolio


Who does OKO Farms serve? Local markets and restaurants. How is OKO Farms culturally responsive to its local community? Rather…

Cradle to cradle

1. Please define in your own words the terms biological nutrients,  technical nutrients, monstrous hybrids. Biological nutrients – These are…

Cooper Hewitt

It was an art piece created with scent, with flowers and plants that have been extinct. I can only imagine…

intro to fashion lp5

This is one of the advertisements For Love&Lemons done for its new collection launched in collaboration with Victoria Secret. A…

Video response

I have a large consumption of garments since I am a fashion design student with a pretty high interest in…
intersectionality map

intersectionality map

Intersectionality applies to a given individual or group, described as the interconnected social categorizations such as sexuality, age, and gender regarded…


We all are a small piece of the world, a cell size of the whole human ecosystem. If people only…
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