Bridge 3

The topic I originally began to look into for the upcycle project is animal abuse involved in the fashion industry.  Millions of animals are killed every year so that we can wear them, or animals are tested on (without regard for their well being) for our fiber for our clothing products.  After further research, I discovered that much of clothing made from animals comes from the meat industry, which sells extra animal parts (like skin) to leather companies.  So, the issue also stems from the meat industry.

With this, I wanted to create activist wear that comments on the animal cruelty involved in clothing.

Original garments:

Crew neck sweatshirt and hunting pants from the thrift store.



First, I took off the sleeves from the crew neck and layed it flat.  I traced the shape on to the hunting pants and cut it out.  This way, I would have a new sleeve from different fabric but with the correct measurements.

Then, I painted over the final garment the words “Fuck Meat” to evoke a response.