Bridge 4 – Scyler Byrne, Elena Debrauske and Dilara Huryasar

Our Bridge 4 project was a feminist group focusing on empowering women, specifically in Hollywood and the media and entertainment industry. There are many double standards in this industry. An example of this are in interviews, where men are usually taken much more seriously whereas women are often asked trivial questions such as “How did you lose weight for this role?” and “How do you balance your career with being a mother?” instead of being asked about their business or career. Men are not asked this sort of questions.

Our mission is to change the conversation around women in media and Hollywood. We want women in the industry to be taken as seriously as their male counterparts. We plan to spread awareness on the double standards that are ingrained within the industry through a series of playful posters, stickers and merchandise that spread our message.

The goal is to have women in the media and in Hollywood to be empowered and acknowledged for their work.