Jewellery Design


Jewellery designing is an art form of its own, where one gets to work with intricate details and customisation. For our first assignment we were asked to create jewellery designs of our own through which we could cut out using the laser lab. The focus of this assignment is to identify how the laser cutter can be used to create various objects including a jewellery piece.


Each of us were assigned a fellow classmate as a client. We then had to interview are client which is one of the most critical steps because for this project it helps in recognising the clients requirement. Once we were able to set base on what the client would like, the next step was to create our concept ideas. Here, before designing the jewellery we took the required measurements in relation to to jewellery we chose to make. For which I decided to make a necklace. I then began drafting a sketch (As seen in Figure 1.1 & 1.2) of possible ideas based on the personality, like and dislikes of my client.

Figure 1.1 Design I

As one of the main goals of this project was to create a jewellery design for my client I decided to focus on creating a more sentimental piece. From the interview it cam to my understanding that my client is found of dancing (Ballet in specific) and Biology. Keeping these two concepts in mind I designed a silhouette of a ballerina and used a biology symbol to use as two separate pendants as seen in Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2 Design II

For this design I focused more on the places that my client has lived in. She spoke about how these places played a significant role in her life and how she considers all of them as home. Hence, I created a pendant design that illustrates all three places my client lived in using curvaceous lettering as seen in Figure 1.2


Once a design was picked and finalised the next step was to create a paper prototype. Prototyping the design plays a crucial role especially for custom made products as it helps gaining accurate measurements. Prototyping also helps to identify minor problems that could play a significant role in the function of an object. For example, when I created my prototype I noticed how the weight of pendent plays a significant role on how the jewellery design falls on a body. The prototype also assisted in the selection for material choice.

Once all the defects were identified the next step was to sketch out the design on Adobe Illustrator. Using the pen tool I was able to create a clear outline of the designs to be cut through the the Laser Cutter. Once the test run of the outline was run the cutting process began.

Figure 1.4 Outline of the design cut outs on
Figure 1.5 Sample cut outs

The next step was to assemble the pieces together and begin filling the colours in. I started of by gluing the wooden cut outs and preparing the cord that would be used as a chain. Since I used a suede cord that was rolled up, I had to straighten it out by tie ing it two ends and leaving it in that state for an hours in order to get a straight and firm cord. While this was left to straighten out I began painting the surfaces of the cut outs with Black acrylic paint. Once this was dried I began filling in the hollow spaces with blue glitter. The choice of colour here was used based on the clients fondness to the colour. However, the glitter choice was used to create a more symbolic meaning. Since black usually symbolises negative connotation hence I decided to use blue glitter to signify the little joys and happiness that unravels even at the most darkest times, just through these activities or hobbies if you may. All in all it symbolises the contentment that comes to oneself, in specific to my client. After the pieces were dried and ready I began attaching the pieces to the suede cord. The images below exhibits the completed piece of the Jewellery Design.

Figure 1.6 Final outcome
Figure 1.8 The final piece worn by the client


There were a few things that I had to alter and fix from the design which were

  • The length of the necklace ( as it was longer than anticipated once the client wore it)
  • The hot air used to dry the glue from the glitter to dry faster created bubbles creating holes within the space. I then had to pop the bubble and refill the spaces

Through this project I was able to understand and Identify how certain resources like the laser cutter can not only help you manipulate and create unbelievable objects but also identify how certain things need to be altered as you prolong in the design process. As a student who has never worked with designing jewellery it was interesting to look into and grasp a gist of what this area of study is like.