By Ida-Simone Brerup

Project Statement:

I’ve explored the different ways of experiencing weightlessness through air, since air is one of the few elements that is weightless on Earth, together with light, smell and sound. I wanted to study how a garment can be weightless and/or be felt as being weightless? We, as people, have often had a dream of being weightless and this element is something I wanted to explore, why is it such a desire? I wanted to focus on imposing weightlessness on the body through garments of air. I have created an installation that can make you feel weightlessness on your body when wearing the garment. The garment itself is not weightless due to the fact that nothing tangible really is. Air being one, where we can only illustrate the illusion of air but not physically hold it. We do not use air for much else than pumping and blowing therefore I focused on pumps, blow dryers and fans to experiment which kind of existing machines can create the illusion I was aiming for. I decided to use a combination between blow dryers and fans. The air or the importance of seeing the air for the viewer is shown through video. With different movements I demonstrate the air inside the garment. The garment doesn’t touch the body expect for around the neck but hardly touching because of air. The light fabric and its captivating shape creates a place where the air blown into the dress can stay. In the end, I created an installation of air blowing elements underneath a model wearing the dress, experiencing the feeling of weightlessness. I wanted to try to to find a way of showing the air inside without the audience necessarily experiencing it themselves, so I decided make a video and gif of the installation.

Final video of installation:


Versions of final video:



Pictures of installation:

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