NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM: 20-century Chinese wedding chair


fullsizerender   img_3231  20-century Chinese  wedding chair

This is a 20-century Chinese  wedding chair. On the morning of her wedding day a chinese bride sits in the rooms family’s bridal chair, which has brought her from home. This journey signifies her departure  from her family, as she no longer ‘belongs’ with her original family anymore and rather becomes part of her husbands.

Her impressive display of dowery, displayed by the procession on the road, gives prestige to the groom’s. Both dowry and chair testify to a wedding properly performed.

In traditional China, such assurance was critical. Traditionally the bride   wears a veil, so that th groom may has never seen the woman before and the veil is the first time he ‘uncovers’ her face, after she arrives at his family’s home.

A bride sits in a Chinese wedding chair as she embarks on a journey for a first meeting with the man she is about to marry. The Museum’s diorama depicts this traditional passage from childhood to adulthood and from one family and way of life to another.

The bride’s feet have not been allowed to touch the ground since she was dressed for the wedding; to do so would be to risk a future of bad luck. She is helped down by a woman who has been lucky, one who has not been widowed and who has several sons. This was seen as good luck .


As my personal take on this topic, I created my own design of a Chinese wedding chair. I took inspiration from the one I saw at the natural museum of history, including delicate woodcut detailing. However I focused on designing a tree at the top of the chair, representing the ‘home’/’nest’ of two newly found ‘love birds’. This was as a representation of the two newly wedded persons, who are often referred to within current culture as ‘love birds’. Therefore as birds tend to build their nests and homes within trees, I felt as if this metaphor would transfer successfully into my design, representing this message.

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Furthermore, real life birds could be nested there before the chair is used for good luck and aesthetic purposes.  Moreover, the translucent open sides of the chair represents transparency and honesty within a good marriage and maybe would be good luck and bring good fortune.


To make this chair more interactive when exhibited, the chair would be on a pedestal or elevated, seemingly floating in the air. This way visitors could walk around and underneath the wedding chair, rather then it being capture within a room . Furthermore the chair could be accompanied by a glass ‘cage’ foliating above with a netting at the bottom of it in which real birds could fly around in.


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Studio One: MET Visit – My Observation at the MET


When considering possible differences in presentation regarding the image above, there are a view things that spring to mind. Firstly this piece represents young human beings, part of the Ituri tribe. What caught my attention immediately is the fact that any person who was undressed  seemed to be placed turning away from the window where an audience would be. I felt that this fact was rather amusing as america is stereotypically known for its somewhat absurd amount of censorship, which the stated placement of naked men confirmed. 

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When thinking of how the exact same piece would be presented at a museum of its original country, I felt it would most definitely not be shy about the portrayal of human genitalia as the exhibition of this part of the human body is seen as culturally appropriate. Therefore, I feel any museum or exhibition place, originated in Mbuti, would be true to its cultural values and therefore rather then hide certain areas of the body celebrate these proudly- This could be due to the fact, that genetalia is seen as the seed of life in many cultures, and is the part of the body, in particular, which will be worshiped. This can be interpreted as a worship of life and its every-day miracles. 

Futher egg process so far:

I have finished Egg 1 and Egg 2; Egg 3 still necessitates the liquid latex to dry until I can finish the final steps. I feel as if the finished eggs so far have worked successfully due to their intricate detailing and delicate techniques. If I had more time to elaborate upon my design, I would most probably go over certain areas again, especially in Egg 2, to foster my presition on the wire wrapping detail. However I feel as if both egg one and ehg two are impactful as they are and therefore work well. Yet I feel there is always space to imrove, so upon further development, I shall add finishing touches which include a stand for each egg (made from wood). This necessitates me to create a prototype stand from card bord first, which I am workimg on and finishing this week.

Pictures below: This is a picture of the final eggs and the development samples which led up to the final piece. (a)



Egg Two


Egg One

Egg three: Latex earplug






For this Egg (3) I filled little containers with liquid latex, (a) then precisely placing the  earplugs into the delicate material (b). Furthermore after the latex dries, I will brush latex onto wire and place it on the samples (=latex earplug pieces) so it connects both componants as it incorporated  the wire into the latex stromgly yet flexibaly. Then I will twist the top and bottom of the wire and repeated the process of adding latex. This then creates the finished egg.

Egg two: Q-Tip egg

image (a)image (b)image (c)

image (d)image(e)



For this Egg (2) I used singularly Q-Tips and comnected them via wire. (d) I manipulated the Q tip using water in order to twist them into the deisred shape. (a) I then attaches each individual Q-Tip to an elomgated unit (=3 Qtips bound together by wire) in order to create the egg, then connected the tips of each unit at the very end in order to form the desired egg shape (b,c,d) Each unit comsists of 3 Qtips and the whole egg has 9 units total . On the actual unit are approximately 15-18 Qtip loops. All together I used an amount of 161 Qtips and 2 full wire rolls.

Essay: The Whistle

Name: Antonia Groh

Date: 20th September 2016


The Whistle

I walked down the sidewalk of a little street in the heart of Greece. Paros, the little island in the middle of the aegis, which actually is not even that small. Oh my home. It feels like sweet serenity overtime i walk through the dusty old streets of Naoussa, but yet tonight it was different. A night, which was supposed to be like any other. I strolled down the empty streets looking for my friends who were already heading towards the clubs. The sky was pitch black and all that i saw were little dots of light from the houses near by. I was always scared of the dark. I remember my father would always whistle me to sleep saying that whenever i was scared of something i shall whistle so he would come to my rescue. This was I would always be secure. Yet this time, I could not shake my fears, the darkness seemed to overwhelm my soul. The thought of something hiding in the shadows or someone assaulting me sneaked into my brain, but I shall not give into this fear. This task seemed particularly difficult this evening, as a girl had just been rescued the other day. She was found near a beach, stripped naked.

I was praying that I was safe, as I walked down the alley way, praying to my angels and father, who had just passed away. The few feet to my destination felt like miles and the minutes seemed to pass like centuries. I tend to become religious when I am scared, I need noticed this before. As I clenched my first ready to fight anyone or anything that would dare to come close to me, I prayed for a sign that I was safe, I kept on repeating and repeating in my head “Please dad send me a sign that I don’t have to be scared…” Suddenly, I hear a whistle. Normally anyone in this situation would started  shivering full of fright, wondering where this noise may come from, but I was calm. I knew it must have been..No it can’t be. But what if it is? A sign? Immediately all that crossed my mind was the image of me and my dad, how we used to sit on our huge, soft, bright-red cough and my ears ringing as he is whistling “Good people” by Jack Johnson so close to me. My body shook, few moments ago I prayed for a sign that I was safe and hear I am hearing a whistle out of nowhere. I was so filled with joy I felt myself completely forgetting how  terrified I had been of the night and its dangers lurking in the dark. Now all that i could think of is my fathers whistling. (Yet I rushed towards the end of the road, after all, who knew where this whistle could come from. I was not eager to find out.)

The next day, hungover from a long night out filled with greek singing and ouzo, my stomach was growling, craving a meal, which was long overdue. Then again, my ears were ringing, a sound, a whistle. Slowly the corners of my mouth rose higher and higher, until I could feel my dimples appearing. Again, I felt as if I was back at my childhood home, listening to my fathers obnoxiously loud whistling. I turned around, no-one was even close enough for my eyes to see. “How must have been someone walking by.” I mumble to myself, as I gazed around the kitchen, then outside the window above the stove. Perplexed, my mind wondered how such a small thing could immediately through me back in time, not only once but every time it appeared. It seemed strange to me how such a small mannerism could be associated with a person so strongly, that it is all that one thinks about, as soon as it happens.

After this incident I repeatedly found myself humming and whistling more and more often. It seemed almost as if I had been infected by my father’s behaviour, even though he didn’t even exist in this world anymore. Yet his whistling stayed with me. I kept joking it must be the genes, yet I knew it was something else. Rather unsure of what it was that could have cause my sudden outburst of ‘whistling fever’, I fell into deep thought about what made this so meaningful to me, even more so, why was my dad whistling in the first place. I could not quite put my finger on it. I guess it was due to a feeling of ecstasy, a sudden outburst of happiness. A moment that was so fleeting but so fulfilling at one. I remember often observing his little ‘moments of joy’, as he used to refer to them. The more i thought about it, it seemed as if my whistling immortalised his little quirk, his tiny, seemingly insignificant, yet so notable behaviour. Thus I started whistling more often, every day, one day after the other.

Then something strange but miraculous happened. More and more, dear friends, who knew my dad all to well, would randomly start talking about my him. They would reference him more frequently when in conversation with me, start to refer to objects or situations that reminded them of my father and even start to dwell in the past, when my father used to join us here on Paros. I wondered what could have caused this overwhelming outbreak of reminiscence. Then it came to me, that must be it! The whistling. My constant repetition of my fathers iconic behaviour caused us all to passively take a journey down memory lane. I was charmed by the idea, that it was I, who could actually be the cause of all our dear friends remembering my dad so vividly. Instantly my heart felt flooded by emotions, which led to a short incident of me crying in the bathroom. But these were tears of happiness.

For the remaining days of our holiday, I made sure to whistle all of my days.

Essay: 13 Memories

Antonia Groh:

‘Growing Pains’


Remembering my youth is strange as it consists of little snippets of memory. Yet I like to dwell in these moments as they give me a sense of euphoria and let me escape every-day madness. Hence I chose to write about these memories, the ones which I wonder about when feeling the need to escape. Who would I be? What would be different? It is important to know where one came from and how recalling seemingly unimportant events can offer insight about current issues. After all ones character is formed by all events one goes throughout their life time, is it not? Therefore, I assembled my earliest memories in order to remember and eternalise these moments by writing them down on paper, calling this piece ‘Growing Pains’ as the mentioned partly physically painful memories helped me to grow up and become the person I am today. It perplexes me to think of the individual I could have been if  any of these events would not have occurred.


The Cold

I am entering a room with wooden ceilings, carried in the arms of my father. He hands me over to my grandfather, who lies me down onto a strange object, naked. I scream. The surface of the objects is ice cold. My grandfather leans over me and i can feel his breath upon my skin. I´m lying on my back and all I see is a white ceiling. As I am being picked up again, held in the arms of my father, I see my grandfather writes something down onto paper. I am wondering what he write and what just happened.

Marble Steps

I am running, racing with my friend to find out who will be the first to arrive at my house door. I am approaching two elongated marble stairs. As I try to jump over the stairs I slip. The next thing I remember, I am sliding over the rough surface of the marble, cutting open my knees.

Little Needle

I am running towards my bed. I jump, stretching out my limbs like a starfish. Suddenly a stinging sensation inside my left toe. A needle piercing through it. I ask my mother ” Shall we call a doctor?” She replies “I will call Wafa”. We ride in the car. I am bored and look onto the stripes on the pavement rushing past. I am lying on a long bed, two doctors operating my toe. After four hours all that is left is a scar on my left toe. I still have the needle.

The Harbour

A pink shoe, made of plastic. It fell, fell into the sea. I look after it as it sinks onto the ground of the harbour. I am sad and walk away, wearing only one shoe. Limping as it was a high heel.

My First Swim

I am at the beach, my father sitting next to me in the sand. I feel the sea caressing my toes. I look at him and he smiles at me. I feel safe, happy. I stand up and start running into the sea. I dive into it. I feel refreshed. I float up upon the surface of the sea. Thank you floaties.

Shadows – My Angst Of The Dark

It is getting dark outside. I am tucked into my bed and tired. I see the trees from our garden casting shadows onto the walls of my room as cars drive by. I am scared and cover my head with my blanket. I hold my breath, then slowly fall asleep.

The Harbour

A pink shoe, made of plastic. It fell, fell into the sea. I look after it as it sinks onto the ground of the harbour. I am sad and walk away, wearing only one shoe. Limping as it was a high heel.

Banana Toys

The elevator is stuck. My grandmother takes me by my hand and we take the stairs. They are made of marble. We arrive on the second floor of the building and a huge door made of wood opens up in front of me. All I see are toys. Toys everywhere. Cars, Stuffed animals, everything I could dream of. I feel euphoric as I approach the section of the shop displaying barbie dolls. As I gaze to my left I see the words “special edition”. I grab the doll and run towards my grandmother. She buys it for me and I kiss her on the cheek. I am filled with joy.


Ferrari. The words spelled on the book in front of me. I wonder what it means. I open the book and flick through the pages. Mesmerised by the horse at the front of the car, I continue flipping through the pages. I walk up to my father and say “I want this one” pointing onto a Ferrari car in the book.


Brown eyes, I stare at her big brown eyes. She asks me “can I use that” and points towards a hand sewn dress. I look at the dress and back at Sophie. I find myself torn between resisting my urge not to give her my favourite dress and handing her the dress in order to be kind. I feel conflicted. I hand her another dress. She is silent, looking away disappointedly. My heart aches, yet I do not feel a sense of guilt.

The Pool

Circles, circles, circles. I am swimming in circles together with my father. We start to create a current inside the pool. I let myself drift. I feel one with the water and pretend I am a mermaid. I am so happy.

She sits in a chair

She sits up straight on a big turquoise chair. A blanket wrapped around her, slowly

falling of her left shoulder. I run towards her. “Mama!” I shout, and hug my mothers legs as she sits and reads a magazine called Vogue.


I sit by the table and watch my father work on his computer. I wait. He closes his computer. I ask him if he can teach me to use it. I crawl onto his lap and he shows me how to draw using “paint”. I feel his hands guiding mine showing me how to create imagery.


Glitter and silver mesh is all I see. Mother glues the silver mesh fabric to the little wings she bought at H&M. I try them on and run around her yelling ” I am a fairy! “. Then trip on the mesh on the floor. I laugh. My mother hugs me.



However often I relive these events, my body experiences joy, allowing me to relax and dwell in the past. Yet there is nothing that stayed the same, except for my mother helping me create costumes. Have these memories influenced my life to a great extend or were they simply a few moments of bliss? It does not matter, as they still allow me to escape my anxiety in situations of stress.

Museum Sample: Pebbles


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B.I.C.- Carpets  >>
MC# 6391-01

Woven burl carpet made from 100% unbleached virgin wool. It is available in two color combinations “deep grey” and “cream” and resembles a stone structure. The utilized new wool yarns are not chemically bleached and due to their specific properties, they exhibit a high resilience and due to their inherent water repelling protective layer, they are easy to clean. The hygroscopic properties of new wool provide a pleasant room climate. The carpet edge is reversed along the sides and its backing is glued with tape. The carpet is available in the sizes 170 x 240, 200 x 200, 200 x 250, 200 x 300, 340 x 240, 400 x 300, and 400 x 400 cm (5 ft 7 in x 8 ft, 6 ft 7 in x 6 ft 7 in, 6 ft 7 in x 6 ft 7 in, 6 ft 7 in x 8 ft 3 in, 6 ft 7 in x 9 ft 10 in, 11 ft 2 in x 8 ft, 13 ft 2 in x 9 ft 10 in and 13 ft 2 in x 13 ft 2 in). The pile height is 18 mm (0.7 in). Custom sizes are available per request with or without weld seam. Used in residential applications.


I chose this material, as it reminded me of the cotton bud ends on a Q-Tip, hence i felt it was relevant for my research. The texture appears to be very similar, as is the shape.


Museum Sample: Koroyd®

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Koroyd SARL  >>
MC# 7164-01

An engineered thermoplastic honeycomb comprised of a co-extruded polycarbonate (PC) for energy absorption. This structure provides uniform mechanical properties due to its circular cell structure, and offers high compressive strength in a low-density material, decreasing transmitted force and peak g-force acceleration. The honeycomb is an efficient energy absorber, which is vital to impact protection, and is highly breathable. Depending on cell size and polymer density compression strength (DIN 53421) testing has resulted in durability against 101 to 522 psi (0.7 to 3.6 MPa), compression strength increases with smaller cell size. The intercellular connection is achieved without the use of glues of adhesives, but rather by thermal welding, which increases visual and performance consistency. Individual tubes are co-extruded with an inner and outer layer, each comprised of a different polymer; the outer layer has a lower melting point than the inner layer. The tubes are stacked in a mold, which is then heated and pressurized melting the exterior layer of each tube providing a thermo-weld between all adjacent tubes. The tubes are then cross cut into sheets. The welded honeycomb sheets can be further processed into finished dimensions and shaped parts with milling, thermoforming, cutting, profiling, lamination, plating, etc. Cell sizes are available from 2.5 to 8 mm (0.1 to 0.31) in diameter, and sheets can be 1 to 300 mm (0.04 to 11.8 in) thick. Sheet dimensions are fully customizable, with a maximum dimension of 3500 x 2000mm (137.8 x 78.7 in). Fifteen standard colors of material are offered, but custom colors and pantone matching are available. Additionally multi-color combinations can be provided. The structure is fully customizable by altering polymer, cell size, polymer density, sheet thickness, sheet dimensions, and cell angle. A fire retardant grade is also offered. Mechanical property testing for impact performance can be quantified by a combination of multiple tests. Compression strength testing (DIN 53421) resulted in durability against pressure ranging from 101 psi (0.7 MPa) for 6.0 mm tubes (0.24 in) with 48 kg/m3 (3.0 pcf) density, up to 522 psi (3.6 MPa) for 2.5 mm tubes (0.1 in) with 110 kg/m3 (6.9 pcf) density. Shear strength was also tested (DIN 53294), resulting in 87 psi (0.6 MPa) for 6.0 mm tubes (0.24 in) with 48 kg/m3 (3.0 pcf) density, up to 217 psi (1.5 MPa) for 2.5 mm tubes (0.1 in) with 110 kg/m3 (6.9 pcf) density. Applications include helmets, sports equipment, body armor, blast mitigation, automotive panels, board-sport boards, furniture, lighting, displays, and interior décor.


I chose this material, as it is made from straws and exhibits how this every day objects can create a unique looking material surface simply by gathering the straws tightly next to each other.

