Un response poster: Bergman

To create impact I wanted to show what the world would be like, when one goes on a stroll in new york cities streets in a few years when we continue the way we do, causing floodings. Hence I created images showing an under water world, featuring my model, with the slogan ‘would you like to live under water?’ and ‘would you like to sleep with the fish’ as these are obviously two thing one would NOT want to do, as well cannot breathe under water and also the phrase ‘sleeping with the fish ‘ is acommonn colloquial language for dying. This way it is a serious but yet playful and visually impactful poster and way to reach people as many seize to accept a reality until they see it- so I wanted to make it so in a visually insteresting way.



UN response Poster

To create impact I wanted to show what the world would be like, when one goes on a stroll in new york cities streets in a few years when we continue the way we do, causein floodings. Hence I created images showing an under water world, featuring my model, with the slogan ‘would you like to live under water?’ and ‘would you like to sleep with the fish’ as these are obviously two thing one would NOT want to do, as wel cannot breath under water and also the phrase ‘sleeping with the fish ‘ is a commin coloquial language for dying. This way it is a serious but yet playful and visually impactful poster and way to reach people as many seize to accept a reality until they see it- so I wanted to make it so in a visually insteresting way.


poster 2-1y2276l poster b-1vumpqe

Environment reading responses-sustainable systems

Environment reading responses

Scientists have known for more than 150 years that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Joseph Fourier was the one who came up with the notion that there are gasses in our atmosphere that allow sunlight to come through like a window, yet once the sunlight bounced off the earths surface they trapped the heat, enabling a livable temperature on earth.This phenomenon we now call the greenhouse effect. Later in the 1850s Tyndall found that if you change the co2 in the atmosphere you affect the planetary energy balance, he was the one who really proved that carbon dioxide is a natural thermostat which helps sets the planets temperature. then along came Arrhenius who was the first scientist to really do the math of how the release of human engineered gasses and burning of fossil fuels, from fabrications etc, impacts the health of our planet and the atmosphere surrounding it. in 1958 measurements were being taken of how this affected and accumulated in the atmosphere. Over time this lead to an installation in Mauna Loa Hawaii, a scientific instrument measuring the continuous increase of co2 in the atmosphere, this is called the Keeling curve. This study has been called’s one of the most important pieces of scientific work in the 20th century.’ (footnote movie http://watchdisruption.com) The keeling curve shows us that the increase has been rising ever since the industrial revolution, as people had been to concerned with inventing new ways of using and burning fossil fuels, and this over decades, that the changes of co2 in the atmosphere are now at a critical level. however the phenomenal part about feelings research was that he not only found that co2 was increasing, but he also found the source. Furthermore, sadly his research found that one in every four co2 molecules was put there by human. So within 1750 to 2010 the ppm (parts per million) went from 280 ppm to a devastating 400ppm this shows that ever since the industrial era, we have inclined by 40 percent and therefore the concern now is that in the future this amount my double or triple due to most of humanities consistent choice to ignore this issue. Ant with the ‘rise’ of human civilization we are racing into unforeseen waters that may wipe out the entirety of what we are building, and not only that, all of us as well. Hence one really does have to wonder why is it that we don’t seem to care or even worst, why is it that most of us seem to purposefully ignore the issue, the fact that climate change is affecting us is as much of a tangible evidence and is just as much a reality as the peanut butter jelly sandwich  a mother packs for lunch for her child. Now the question is, would you look that child in the face and say ‘sorry honey I love you, but just not enough to give a damn about your existence in the next 20 years’?. doubtful. However, this is what all of us within this generation is silently saying to our future children and already existing new generations. Yet it seems to fail to be an issue that is taken seriously, to the point where change is tangible. We have already seen the changes, a rapid incline in frequency of flooding increasingly being more terrifying and increasingly taking more and more lives, earthquakes, more horrifying then movies could ever make them, yet once unified drops a few packages out of the sky to help and another view pop-songs about the issue hit the chart for a month, we forget. We chose not to remember all the life that has been lost all the homes that have been destroyed and all the light that left the eyes of so many. Why? because to some of us, personal luxury and the according luxury products are more important. To most of us it is more important how many likes on Instagram we get posing with a ‘fancy’ Fiji plastic bottle, then how it will go on and take 200 years to deteriorate. We care more about the ego boost a new car gives us then how its production and burning of fossil fuels enriches the co2 count within the atmosphere so drastically, there will be no more ego to be boosted as there will be no human left to impress. However, without going off the deep end here, change is, same as it was 20 and 30 years ago, possible. However, the need for change is growing stronger and more urgent every second of our existence and the possibility to restore balance and equilibrium is on the verge of being evaporated for good. So how can we change this doomed future into a brighter one? As most articles on this topic always tell you how bad thing are and how bad they will get but not enough about how we can actually change things by doing little by little together as a big earthy family. So I will tell you. The first big step is to believe that you have an impact. Yes, it may not help rebalance the co2 levels in the atmosphere overnight/by tomorrow, if you recycle that  plastic bottle you just posed with for your Instagram shot, but your input and the message it puts out in the world, may it be to all your followers, or just the people that saw you just walk to the recycling can,  will in fact help to restore our earths health and atmosphere levels. As together we can be the earth’s savior, we can save the day. And those few steps you took to recycle your waste, just ensured you are part of a better tomorrow and your children will see a healthy and happy light of day when they are your age.  Seems like a tiny ‘sacrifice’ for continuing to live rather then experiencing a horrible disastrous death, doesn’t it?

Furthermore, climate change as we know it today is not only an environmental issue, it is a social justice issue as well. The irony in this is that exactly those who live their lives most ‘in balance’ with nature, often due to social standing, or not even having access to first world objects which use fossil fuels, are actually the ones who get hit first when clime change is happening. The small man and woman who live in villages or close to nature get impacted so much more when an earthquake or flood knocks on their door. Yet due to the fact, that these people are sometimes so cut off from ordinary civilization, their issues become labeled as ‘lesser importance’. So no matter how strongly developed cities such as New York or Washington DC. or other is impacted, we still can escape to our skyscraper homes, our  ‘ivory towers’ when it rains, but what can the Aborigine do when their thatched roof gives in to weather conditions which did not occur at the present level before.  What does the farmer do when his tediously planted food is swapped away by food. What does the man in a ‘sacrifice zone’ do when the unspeakable happens. They fight, they starve, they die. Yet this very fact is concealed by politics and media, just to enable more profit where there is money. Yet if we continue the way we do today, we will hit a ‘tipping point’ we will seize to exist. But we cannot give up! There is always a way, there is always hope. If we work together we can make an impact toward a better tomorrow, so there will be a day, a month and many a year after tomorrow.


What other precautions are there that the everyday person can take to help prevent further environmental fatality?

How can the everyday person make an impact on co2 reduction or at least not add more to the atmosphere on a daily basis other than recycling etc what we already know of? ? Is there an easy everyday way to save the environment?

What are other ways to promote the everyday human to really take an active part in the positive changes, as scaring everyone into taking action clearly is not working as efficiently as wanted?

How come when documentaries about climate change, as well as texts,  are written most prominence is given to the explanation and urgency that our lives will change to be worse rather than focusing even more, on top of this educating part, on teaching people how to actually make a change in their everyday life. -I feel this would be more beneficial as when we have more options to choose from, there is no escape, no room for excuses as some way will fit your life style, and then people could actually apply this to their everyday life and we could achieve bettering of the world!

Questions to ask the speakers at the UN:

How do you feel the media has had a negative effect on the everyday person regarding their actions of recycling and other forms of environmentally friendly efforts (for example recycling being lay bled as ‘uncool’)? And how do you think this could be changed?

Obviously, it is evident that CO2 levels have skyrocketed until today and continue to do so every day, my question now is, do you think space objects, such as satellites etc have an impact within this matter?

What do you do on a daily basis to better climate change maybe we could learn from you how the everyday person can take matters into their own hands and actually efficiently help make a change for a better tomorrow?

What are changes I, as an average student, can take to further make a positive impact apart from the obvious, such as recycling and turning off lights when I leave the house?

What is your stance on Hollywood movies glorifying the horrific events such as flooding of new york etc to make the profit and hence in a twisted way giving climate change a ‘badass’ image. ?

If you had a free pass to make anything possible to help change the environmental situation for the better, what would you do?

(for example make plane fuel environmental healthy- what would be your choice?