Category / Space+Materiality

The Flourished: Process

The Flourished
The Stained Mountain
Create an interactive sculpture out of ice cubes piled into the shape of the Louvre Pyramid and place it outside to melt.
The installation is meant to reflect and create awareness on global warming. It aims to bring attention to the museum’s sponsorship deal with the oil company, Total who is responsible to a substantial amount of damage brought to the environment.
We documented it from both afar and upclose, aligning the ice pyramid with the Louvre pyramid, hides it first and then reveals it, with acrylic paint in ice cubes that leave marks after they melt.

The Unknown Lands

The Unknown Lands: Process


Process of Transformation
The flowers from the left:
The finished folding, rolling, bending, twisting and assembling.
Tucking on layer of the paper in between to layers, I assembled the bottom.
I started sewing the assembled portion.
Attaching the assembled portion, I sewed the bottom.
I put the needle through a surface that will be covered by an outer layer, covering the sewing lines.
The finished bottom view showing the sewing lines.
The finished folding, rolling, bending, and twisting of the pleated paper. This is the flower same as the one below, showing the bottom part folding and sewing lines.
This is the finished top view.
I started with folding and rolling at the core of the rose, and extended to folding, bending, and twisting.
The side view showing the top part is not yet attached.
Folding, rolling, bending, twisting and assembling finished. I put the needle through the top core.
Having the top attached, I put the needle through the bottom.
I put the needle across the bottom.
I sewed the bottom several times.
Sewing to strengthen the side.
Sewing the gathered bottom part.
The finished bottom view showing the trimming of the extra bottom part.
This video aims to showcase the craftsmanship and delicacy of making a tiny paper flower. The techniques used are also repeated in the other flowers.

The Flourished

Exploration of Techniques
I ripped strips of the magazine paper, tied a
knot at one end, and braided it and let it
open and flow freely at the other end.
I laid pieces of the magazine paper one on
top of the other, rolled them up, and
twisting the edge of the pleated paper,
retained their shape and posture.
I cut thick fringes on piece of the
magazine paper and cut separate stripes,
and fitted the stripes into the fringes.
I folded a half sheet of the magazine paper
in several directions and created volume out
of it. Next, I folded, bended, and assembled
another half sheet.
I folded and twisted the magazine paper.
I ripped the middle, crumbled up and using
the edge of the pleated paper, tied up one
end of a sheet of the magazine paper.
I folded, twisted, and assembled one ripped
strand of the pleated paper. I folded and
twisted the other strand.
I stretched out, crumbled, twisted, and
bended the pleated paper.
This is the same image as the one above,
taken from another angle.