Bridge 4 Fnal

I feel very peaceful when I first see Jay Defeo’s work, and I especially fell in love with those colors appear on her paintings. She is able to create an excellent art piece with simple colors. I believe I have inspired a lot from her work. First of all, I decided to implement white color as main color in my project because white is my favorite color. Secondly, I created a space model as my memory for Defeo. My initial idea was to use some tissue papers to hang around the circle, and let the light pass through the circle and land on the floor of inside of the space. In my opinion, one of the most delightful highlights is you are expected to see lots of shadows on the wall and floor of my work. After discussing with others, I considered that some suggestions came from professor are very critical. I made some changes in my second draft including using some cutting trees with film papers and tracing papers. Overall, I think I had two big challenges in this project: i) hardly found a relatively smaller-size battery LED bulb; ii) hardly to make those paper trees (approximately 30mins/piece).  If possible, I would love to leave my project at one of meeting rooms at Parsons because Defeo’s famous piece was placed in the meeting room for nearly 20 years without anyone’s notifications. The meeting room can be a right place for her memorable legacy.