Core Lab Final






#include “Wire.h”
#include “I2Cdev.h”
#include “MPU6050.h”

float axx[2] = {0}, ayy[2] = {0}, azz[2] = {0};

float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
int reading = 0;
/* MPU6050 */

MPU6050 accelgyro;

unsigned long now, lastTime = 0;
float dt; //time

int16_t ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz; //the raw data
float aax=0, aay=0,aaz=0, agx=0, agy=0, agz=0; //angle variable
long axo = 0, ayo = 0, azo = 0; //accelerometer offset
long gxo = 0, gyo = 0, gzo = 0; //gyroscopic offset

float pi = 3.1415926;
float AcceRatio = 16384.0; //The ratio of the accelerometer
float GyroRatio = 131.0; //The ratio of gyroscopes

uint8_t n_sample = 8; //The sampling number of the accelerometer filter algorithm
float aaxs[8] = {0}, aays[8] = {0}, aazs[8] = {0}; //x,y
long aax_sum, aay_sum,aaz_sum;


/* RGB LED */
int redpin = 9; //select the pin for the red LED
int greenpin =10; // select the pin for the green LED
int bluepin =11; // select the pin for the blue LED
int val;
int r_val;
int g_val;
int b_val;

/* switch */
const int lzPin = 2;
int lzState;
const int ledPin = 13;

unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;
unsigned long debounceDelay = 180000;

void setup() {
pinMode(lzPin, INPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
pinMode(redpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenpin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluepin, OUTPUT);

accelgyro.initialize(); //initialization

unsigned short times = 200;
for(int i=0;i<times;i++){
accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
axo += ax; ayo += ay; azo += az;
gxo += gx; gyo += gy; gzo += gz;


axo /= times; ayo /= times; azo /= times; //Calculate the accelerometer deviation
gxo /= times; gyo /= times; gzo /= times; //Calculate the gyro shift

void loop() {

reading = digitalRead(lzPin);

if (reading != lzState) {
lastDebounceTime = millis();

unsigned long now = millis(); //time(ms)
dt = (now – lastTime) / 1000.0; //(s)
lastTime = now; //last time(ms)

accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz); //raw data

float accx = ax / AcceRatio; //x acceleration
float accy = ay / AcceRatio; //y acceleration
float accz = az / AcceRatio; //z acceleration

aax = atan(accy / accz) * (-180) / pi; //the angle between the Y-axis and z axis
aay = atan(accx / accz) * 180 / pi; //x,z
aaz = atan(accz / accy) * 180 / pi; //z,y

aax_sum = 0;
aay_sum = 0;
aaz_sum = 0;

for(int i=1;i<n_sample;i++){
aaxs[i-1] = aaxs[i];
aax_sum += aaxs[i] * i;
aays[i-1] = aays[i];
aay_sum += aays[i] * i;
aazs[i-1] = aazs[i];
aaz_sum += aazs[i] * i;

aaxs[n_sample-1] = aax;
aax_sum += aax * n_sample;
aax = (aax_sum / (11*n_sample/2.0)) * 9 / 7.0; //chang the angle between 0-90°
aays[n_sample-1] = aay;
aay_sum += aay * n_sample;
aay = (aay_sum / (11*n_sample/2.0)) * 9 / 7.0;
aazs[n_sample-1] = aaz;
aaz_sum += aaz * n_sample;
aaz = (aaz_sum / (11*n_sample/2.0)) * 9 / 7.0;

axx[0] = axx[1];
axx[1] = aax;
ayy[0] = ayy[1];
ayy[1] = aay;
azz[0] = azz[1];
azz[1] = aaz;

x = axx[1] – axx[0];
y = ayy[1] – ayy[0];
z = azz[1] – azz[0];

if ((millis() – lastDebounceTime) < debounceDelay && lastDebounceTime != 0) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

if(x<5 && y<5 && z <5){
reading = digitalRead(lzPin);
if (reading != lzState) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

analogWrite(9, 0);
analogWrite(10, 0);
analogWrite(11, 0);

// red
else if(aaz > -95 && aaz < -85){
r_val = 250;
g_val = 0;
b_val = 0;
analogWrite(9, r_val);
analogWrite(10, g_val);
analogWrite(11, b_val);

// green
else if(aaz > 85 && aaz < 95){
r_val = 0;
g_val = 255;
b_val = 0;
analogWrite(9, r_val);
analogWrite(10, g_val);
analogWrite(11, b_val);

// blue
else if(aay > -95 && aay < -85){
r_val = 0;
g_val = 0;
b_val = 255;
analogWrite(9, r_val);
analogWrite(10, g_val);
analogWrite(11, b_val);

// yellow
else if(aay > 85 && aay < 95){
r_val = 240;
g_val = 205;
b_val = 12;
analogWrite(9, r_val);
analogWrite(10, g_val);
analogWrite(11, b_val);

// purple
else if(aax > -95 && aax < -85){
r_val = 237;
g_val = 12;
b_val = 240;
analogWrite(9, r_val);
analogWrite(10, g_val);
analogWrite(11, b_val);

// cyan
else if(aax > 85 && aax < 95){
// r_val = 16;
// g_val = 192;
// b_val = 224;
// analogWrite(9, r_val);
// analogWrite(10, g_val);
// analogWrite(11, b_val);
for(val=255; val>0; val–)
analogWrite(11, val);
analogWrite(10, 255-val);
analogWrite(9, 128-val);
for(val=0; val<255; val++)
analogWrite(11, val);
analogWrite(10, 255-val);
analogWrite(9, 128-val);

// black
analogWrite(9, r_val);
analogWrite(10, g_val);
analogWrite(11, b_val);

digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

analogWrite(9, 0);
analogWrite(10, 0);
analogWrite(11, 0);

lzState = LOW;

Final Project (History of Design)


History of Design Final project essay

Professor Madlener

Haoyu Yang


Began in the late 18th century, the industrial revolution brought a whole new idea to the world and influenced almost every section of the world including arts and design. The negative influence on arts and design was very obvious. Because of the mass production, the quality and design of the production were very poor, however, arts and crafts movement which was founded by William Morris began because of an industrial revolution.

The arts and crafts movement initially wanted to join arts and industry together but it failed, so its aim just turned to bring good design and craftsmanship back to this heavy industrial world.

William Morris, the founder, admire the craftsmanship before the industrial revolution. He and his associates believed that hand-made and well-designed furniture are able to improve the life qualities for people. Most of William’s designs on furniture were based on medieval models. His idea of design was influenced by Pre-Raphaelites’ center message—–truth to nature. He liked to use nature as his inspiration for patterns. William also liked to use traditional ways and natural material to make his furniture. For example, instead of using chemical paint, William used pigments from plants or vegetables to dye his furniture. William’s designs were an early form of decoration arts

nowadays. They were all hand-made and well-crafted which means the price of that furniture were very expensive. They could only be afforded by the rich.

The object that I designed is a chair from medieval time. It is based on the model of William Morris’ designs on furniture. It is made of wood, and the green cushion also followed the complex and gorgeous decorative patterns that Morris often used in his design. It’s very classic. I chose the color green because it is the color of nature which follows the center idea of arts and crafts movement. The chair legs mimic the legs of wild animals such as tigers showing both the significant of handcrafts and the key ideas of a revival of nature. Green vines (actually made of wood, mimic the shape of vines) around the chair legs also followed the key idea of nature. On the arms of the chair, there are two gear-looked decorations which represent the industrial revolution. This design has two meanings. One is the aim of arts and crafts movement, use good craftsmanship and natural ways to protect people from the mass industry, so the gear- looked decorations were actually made of wood and was carefully hand-crafted. The other meaning is trying to fulfill the original aim of arts and crafts movement—bring industry and arts together. it’s the rejoin of art nature and industry.

In conclusion, industrial revolution influenced arts and designs a lot. Because of the mass productions, we lost many hand-made techniques, however, it made the craftsmanship much more valuable and expensive than before. When everything was

hand-made, people didn’t think craftsmanship is a unique thing and needed to be passed along. When we were beginning to lose them, we began to treasure them. Think about the hand-made designs today, each one of them is expensive.