Me and Sustainability (final project)


In the final project, I plan to make a beautiful table lamp, it made from recycled plastic bags. I inspiration from the water ripples so I want to use a plastic bag to create similar texture. Then, the plastic bags I chose to use were a heavier and higher quality of plastic than the normal drug store plastic bag. Personally, I liked the heavier feel of the plastic, and I thought the white pieces gave it some real interest.


Circle Line Trip

We took the boat tour on last Friday, and overall this field trip was amazing. we see many landmarks of New york City such as the iconic Statue Liberty and New World Trade Center. moreover, we sail under 19 of the city’s great bridges, but we also see some garbage dump and factory even we see a tube of untreated sewage directly discharged into river. we visited the best and the worst of this city on this trip.