When thinking about a place where I spent a lot of time during my childhood what I think about is the cottage outside my grandparents house in the countryside. It was a very humble abandoned log house where me and my cousins used to go and talk for hours while playing cards. There was nothing much in the house, only us. We could not go there in winter because there was no heating and there were no windows not was there a door, only the window frames. All of the plants were not gardened and they grew wildly. 

For this project I started thinking how I could represent it by noting down the things that I thought of when thinking about the wooden cottage.

These pictures are the sketches of the process. The first one shows the front of the cottage. I decided to use round sticks to simulate the wooden logs. The roof was harder to make. at first I thought about using popsicle sticks but they where to hard to cut and make many of them so I had to choose a softer wood to be able to cut it quickly and nicely. Also, it turned out nicely because the color of my house is different to the color of the roof, just like in the miniature replica. For the side, I did not really know how to handle it at first, but after some time, I decided that the side was what was going to shape the roof, making it triangular. The smaller bit would be on the top and the larger one on the bottom.

With the help fo the sketches I managed to build the cottage.


This is how the final piece turned out. I decided to break the roof a little bit since the original house was definitely not in perfect state. Also, I decided to put the cottage in a context where at first, it is difficult to see it, since the cabin is pretty hidden inside the woods. The spectator would have to go and take the branches off to be able to see the real house.

Also, I placed moss on the floor and the walls since what I wanted to show was how me and my cousins sat in carpets since the grass was very tall. When the leaves that cover the house are taken away and all that is left is the cottage and the moss, the environment is familiar and inviting. The moss is appealing and it does make you want to touch and sit on it.

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