Curiosity Journal Day 3 (Seminar)


Today I watched an episode of a series called “Nosedive”. It was about how social media and people’s approval affect our lives. The main character is a woman who lives to get high ratings. Ratings are stars that people give you depending on how much they have liked you, mainly in a superficial way. The more stars you have, the more popular and the more acceptance you will receive from people since the ratings are completely public and everyone checks them. According to the ratings people get privileges such as discounts or better service. People who are rated better because they are prettier or are less shy get advantages in society. 

We might believe that the creators of the series have taken this a bit to an extreme but this is kind of what is happening in our society. People that are extremely caught up on social media sometimes believe that they are better or worse depending on how many “likes” they get. Including me. We get sad or angry when one of our posts isn’t successful. We can even get criticized for our posts. How many times have we checked someones instagram, before knowing them, to try and judge how they are going to be? This can lead to misinterpretations and we can even hurt people’s feelings. I for one, do this a lot and this episode truly made me think. Social media is only a part of who we really are. We are not our social media, on our instagram pages we only post our best selves but this is because we are scared to disapproval and peoples reactions.


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