Perspective Drawing

“In this section, students’ build upon their perceptual skills and understanding of gestalt theory, engaging the mind in the process of understanding structure and representation. Students utilize different analytical methods to explore conventions of representation and imaging including the use of drawing systems and geometry, cultural conventions of spatial representation, framing of images and point of view” – Ginger Levant, Syllabus

In drawing and Imaging this week we had been working on drawing a hallway with perfect angles and measurements from our perspective. We first identified a point at eye level and connected various points around the drawing to create walls doors, light fixtures, and floor panels.

Perspective 2



In Seminar and Studio we have looked at everyday objects as personal archives of our lives. This week we had to pick an object and find how it has shifted throughout time.

I picked a doorbell because of how technology has allowed the object to advance over time. I did not see and cultural differences for the product, but the methods used to ring a door has seen a lot of change.

Personally, I enjoy the older types of door bells as I believe the designs carved into the metal of Victorian bells look a lot more elaborate and decorative than the plastic machines we use today.

drawing 1

drawing 2

Matchbook Final

For the past couple of weeks in Product, Promotion, and Packaging the class had worked on the completion of creating matchboxes for a restaurant that had been assigned to us while using elements found throughout the restaurant to convey a certain theme. My restaurant had been Three of Cups, which is a moderately priced Italian Restaurant with a lounge and bar below it. The pictures items that I used to represent the restaurant were a brown tin ceiling of the restaurant, rock band stickers pasted on the ceiling of the lounge, brick pizza oven, candles, pizza, and swords.

Originally I had made a digital layout to create the concept of my design, but as I played around with it I realized that I would prefer to just hand draw it as I did not like the flat look of my prints. I had recently been following a Youtube channel called DramaticParrot who creates beautiful illustrations of cartoons and Disney characters using color pencils and decided to give her method a try.

The trickiest part of this project was probably sizing. that round matchbox worked out well, but I had a little trouble when it came to the pizza box. My first version wouldn’t stay close; probably because the tabs were not the best size. So I decided to play around with belly wraps. I then got the idea to make a second pizza box and use a vellum paper as the belly wrap and draw the image of the candles and stove onto it so it’s as if it turns into a separate packaging. I definitely like this design better.

Here are links for my process of layouts and inspirations:

This process was a lot of trial and error, but overall I like the last results and appreciate the process it took me to get the piece to where it is.


In Studio our assignment was to create a mask using chipboard or cardboard to create plane like structures.

Sketches prior to construction. Some of the sketches were ideas of how I was going to construct my own mask and some were of masks I saw at The Metropolitan Museum of Art I drew for inspiration.




In Drawing and Imaging we have played around with learning about values of color which is equal to the concept of shades. Later we then used Photoshop to learn how to properly take photos of our artwork. In Photoshop we also worked on turning the collages into a colored piece and a patterned piece.



collage patterns

Matchbox Packaging First Layouts

This week’s assignment for Product, Packaging and Promotion was to come up with 4 different concepts for our Match booklets and well as create mock ups for how the pieces are to be built. I built three different shapes of books and boxes. One book takes the shape of a pizza and the other is just a traditional square shaped book. My next design is shaped like a pizza box to fix with the main food of the restaurant and the last one is a cylindrical shaped box.


Matchbook 4 Matchbox 1 Matchbox 2 Matchbox 3

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Self Evaluation

It is mid-way through the second semester at The New School and I am both surprised and not surprised by how much I have been able to gain from these past few months in college. I always love taking a writing course, because as much as I love hands on projects, Seminar really does help reflect on those pieces we create and become more in tune with my self. Without this class I feel like I would lack some sort of outlet to be able to reflect on everything I have done, created, and learned.

This semester, I decided to focus in on Visual Cultures. When I first signed up for the course I did not know what this entailed. I have always been interested in marketing, so I was hoping the class might pertain to that topic. I love that out of Seminar I am able to learn about visual cultures through media and in the society I live in, and then on Fridays during studio we are able to jump to someone else’s culture from around the world.

I think I am still struggling to find my voice when it comes to writing papers about the reading assignments we are given, and I hope it is something I am able to correct over the next half of the semester. However, I did really enjoy our paper based on Simultaneous Perceptions. I always enjoy writing about things based on my own stories and experiences. When I go out into the field to conduct research whether it is performing interviews, taking photographs, or observing things around me; I am always interested in what I can find and learn. I think getting that hands on experience is very unique to Parsons and I am glad it is something this school tries to emphasize.

I used to be very consumed with my phone and just my own thoughts, but since taking courses such as this one, I feel like I have seen the city and what is going on around me from a who different perception that I would have never appreciated before until now.

I also enjoyed the reading ‘Shitty First Drafts’. It taught me that when it comes to writing or creating anything really, don’t get stuck in your own thoughts. Just let what you’re feeling come out and revise later. I think this first semester I have been learning and gaining what I had hoped to and I am excited to continue seeing what is to come further down the line. My outcomes may not have come out the way I wanted them too, but that doesn’t mean it’s ever too late to revise and that is what the learning process is all about.