A Difficult Conversation

I don’t think I myself have ever really delivered a difficult message to someone else. Probably because I am a very emotional person that I have learned to walk around other people’s feelings because I can’t handle hard conversations. Most difficult conversations I’ve had have always been directed towards me rather than me trying to confront a person.

The hardest conversation I have probably had was during the summer before starting college. My friends and I just returned from our senior year trip from Florida. We had a bit of a fight over how we were spending our last few days together, which ended up ruining the rest of the trip.

My friend Disha and I were getting antsy during the trip. Disha and I really wanted to take advantage of being in Florida and explore Miami, where as every day my other friends decided to lounge around on the beach all day.

Because of all the complaints, by the time we returned home my friends began shutting Disha and I out. After about a month of silence, Disha and I decided to confront all my other friends about the situation in which they ended up lashing out and saying things like we were never friends, to begin with even though we had known each other for almost ten years.

In the end, they ended up cutting Disha out of their lives, but I had been able to salvage my relationship with all of them. It wasn’t the same as before, but we found a way to move on and just not talk about the situation.

When I found a way to forgive my friends Disha began shutting me out and would stop talking to me through out our first year in college. It hurt at first, but as time passed, I grew used to the idea of never talking to her again even though we still remain distant “friends”. I wish I had enough strength to tell her that I feel like she completely replaced me in her life and that it hurts to be shut out. But at the same time, I could understand her position.

May be if I wasn’t so emotional and things between me and my other group of friends weren’t so complicated I may have approached her. At the same time, with college, I just feel like I have moved on and would rather not revisit the past.

Marketing Schematic


Please create a simple diagram that depicts your understanding of the financial markets and its key players.  Please submit this electronically.

The best work will have achieved the following:

  1. Identified 3 or 4 (or more) different markets e.g. Capital, Money, Currency, Commodities, Derivatives
    2. Named intermediaries (“players”) and instruments
    3. Identified primary and secondary markets
    4. Presented clear graphics and gave a concise explanation in their own words



Website Project Specification

This week in web design, we are starting to design our websites by answering questions about our overall approach as well as develop a basic layout for what we hope to achieve.


What is the purpose of the website? 

I plan to use this website to mainly my portfolio work from Parsons, as well as sketches and projects I’ve work on in the past during my free time. Although we were given portfolios by the school for our work with WordPress, I don’t really like using the default themes and would like to create a portfolio that sort of flows better and is more suited for my style.

I also want to integrate this with some marketing research I have done in the past while I attended NYU.

Who is the intended audience? 

Potential employers peers, and anyone who might stumble upon the website. I hope to create a fully functioning website that I might be able to transfer the coding later on onto WordPress or some sort of blogging platform.

What tone do you want for the site’s written content?

The portfolio posts might be more formal as a lot of my work does contain a lot of essays. However, I also want the tone to be more lighthearted to reflect more of my personality rather than being so informational. I really want this website to be a place where I can just show the world who I am and I can write freely the things I want with no particular focus


Landing Page

 I used to run a blog called monkeychic.com. I have had this blog since I was in middle school and it basically shows a progression of my interests and what I have learned throughout my life since then. I stopped seriously blogging around high school and used the blog to primarily just post marketing projects I have worked on in school or work I have completed in Parsons. However, some of the pictures and links are broken.

I really want to use this project to do a complete make over of my blog/portfolio and make the entire thing just flow together better while also just primarily focusing on my project work.

My landing page is going to be a tricky thing to design as I don’t have a whole lot of photographs of my work that I am too proud of. Some of my content sometimes is all words and no images. Some of my posts have a lot of images, but none I am too proud of. Some my posts might have a particular image I want to really showcase.

So for the landing page, I am thinking of first creating a carousel to display any posts I really want to feature.

Below I will just have previews of recent posts. My biggest concern for this is that since not every post has a photo, but some will, these previews have to look nice whether or not the post features any image. I may turn these black and white or fade them as well so that the photos don’t have to have a particular style and still work well.


The portfolio section will have three categories; projects, parsons, and research. Projects are going to be the main portion of this category. After school is over I still plan to use my site as my main portfolio website and I want to be able to post any project whether they are simple sketches or full blown designs onto here. Parsons will focus on any work I complete during my past and remaining years at Parsons. Lastly, Research will be where I will add all my old marketing projects from courses I had taken at NYU and I will continue adding to this in the future if I continue doing some more research projects.

The portfolio categories will also have their own sub categories because for Parsons I want to be able to discuss which posts belong to which courses. For research, which posts are from when I was in NYU and which are going to be from the future. Projects might have more categories to divide which projects are digital projects, hand done, sketches, and miscellaneous (things I work on that doesn’t fit in a particular category, resources, or inspirations).

My navigation will be displayed on the header, a side bar and may be certain links on the footer.

Secondary Content

Home, About, Social Media and Contact Me (email)


Short About Me and Picture, Contact Email, Subscribe (Email, RSS, Bloglovin), Social media (Instagram preview), Archives (By Month), Recent Posts, Digital NYU Certificates













Website Tree



Landing page


Post Page

Landing Page

About Me


Contact Sheet


A Time I Failed

The summer before my junior year in high school, I decided to enroll in a four-week program at the University of Pennsylvania. I would be taking Calculus and Micro Economics with other kids in my program as well as a few undergraduates at UPenn. At that time the university had been my dream school. I had it in mind that I in two years I would attend Wharton as a business and marketing major.

I was so nervous the day I arrived. I intended to meet various professors at this dream school and get A’s all my classes. But I think I ended up idolizing this one school so much that is only lead me to choke in my classes and ultimately fail.

To start off, I felt pretty confident to start Calculus. I wasn’t too bad in my high school math classes, so I figured how bad could it be. To my shock, my teacher had a heavy Russian accent and she would rush through her sentences. Before I could get half of what she wrote on the chalk board, everything would be erased.

So every day I would go back to my dorm and I think, “Okay, I will just try hard to understand my textbook then, may be that will help me understand what I am doing better.” But, no such luck. The textbook turned out to be just a bunch of questions and no explanations. The only way I could understand what I was looking at was to go through my half written notes and Kahn Academy.

I didn’t understand why I just couldn’t grasp all this information in my classes. All the other kids in my program would be having fun learning and then taking their breaks while I felt miserable and would never be caught without my books. One day our program even took us to Hershey park for a weekend and instead of going on the rides like everyone else, I found a bench to sit on while I tried my hardest to read while wind blew around my pages because I still didn’t come close to understanding what I was supposed to be learning in class.

But, I didn’t want to give up yet. I scheduled and attended office hours with my teacher in which she would show me and answer to a problem then crumple up the answers and tell me I couldn’t have them because I need to learn this on my own.

I was coming quite close to failing, and all the time I spent trying to understand Calculus, I missed out on the time to speak to the professors like I had intended earlier and didn’t get to completely study for my economics course.

In the end, I dropped the course with a Pass/Fail grade and had a C in my economics class. But, my failure didn’t end there. I was so ashamed of what I had done and thought I was so stupid for not understanding what I had done wrong. So like the scuba diver in “The Art of Failing” by Malcolm Gladwell, I tried grasping for ways out of my situation, which only made me sink harder.

I began looking for ways to hide my grades from my parents and when I was alone I would panic and scream with my head spinning from the pressure. I didn’t know how long I could keep my grades a secret. Then one day my parents found out I had been lying about my grades, which got me into more trouble. Not because I did so badly in school, but because I hid my grades for so long.

In comparison to the stories from “The Art of Failure”, I think the first part of this story my failure definitely resulted in me choking on tests. It’s not that I was bad at math, but may be because I went into this school with all these built up expectations, which lead to me constantly messing up my exams. Then the lying came from me panicking about when to do, and I grabbed for a solution without really thinking about what I was doing. I ended up causing more trouble this way and couldn’t recover before it was too late.

In relation to reading “Managing Oneself” by Peter Drucker, he tells us to ask ourselves what are my strengths, how do I perform, what are my values, where do I belong, and how should I contribute? At that time, I know a lot of my performance had dropped because I had so much doubt in myself. I went in expecting to do well, but at the same time as each day rolled by I started to doubt my abilities to understand concepts more and more. I felt out of place in the class like everyone was smarter than me and that it even mattered if they were. Always being truthful with your family is one of the core values my dad had always taught me since I was little. However, when I panicked, I completely threw that out of the window.

Web Design Comparison

This week in web design, students were asked to write an analysis focusing on a well-designed website and a poorly designed website. In order to understand the principles of good web design, we based our analysis off of the article Usability 101: Introduction to Usability by Jakob Nielsen. We then proceeded to compose our own basic website using the write-ups we just made.

Screen Shot 2016-09-04 at 4.32.28 PM

A Less Effective Web Site

I was a bit disappointed when I went through my Financial Management syllabus to look for the textbook I would be using this year. My teacher had provided a link to purchase the textbook from in which the site offers various options to read your book. As printouts, on their website, or as delivered as a hard copy. In my opinion, this site is not the most user-friendly when it comes to reading online. Especially when compared to other websites available for purchasing online books such as Kindle.

To begin with, their Homepage looks like it was pulled straight from the early 2000’s. There are barely any images on the website. If the website wasn’t named Textbookmedia.com, you probably wouldn’t be able to even understand what the page would be even used for. All it offers is a brief description of the company, a search bar at the bottom of the page, and a small image advertising an offer for their study guides.



This site also has a long “How it Works” page with information clumped together and poor choice of font colors. On this page, there is also a random image of a man in black and white that is probably about an inch in width that seems to hold no real purpose.


Moving onto their product listing page there are no images of the books, quick browsing options, or even pricing ranges, so the only way you can view what book you are selecting is by actually going to the individual product pages. Then on the product page itself, there are no reviews of the books and the site doesn’t do much to simplify the books information.



The thing I dislike the most is the websites, ways of actually reading the book. You can’t scroll through the pages, instead, you are forced to click on two arrow buttons that are placed very far apart from each other. You can download PDFs of the book, but that option isn’t very clear as that option only appears when you click on a printer button. Then the table of contents is sort of sloppily placed together and hard to read.


Overall, in terms of usability, I don’t think the site is hard to learn or memorize. However, its biggest problems are efficiency, errors, and satisfaction. The website does not simplify a lot of the tasks that need to be done by the user. It looks very dated and the graphics seem to have a very low resolution as well.

A Well-Designed and Effective Web Site

Now when it comes to a shopping website, it is best to keep things as clean and simple as possible in my opinion. Shopping is usually (not always) a reward for some people. They work really hard for their money, and now they enjoy the pleasures of spending their money on something new. Because of this, many shoppers won’t have the patience if a store is too cluttered with information, or there is not enough information. So it is the company’s job to make the shopping experience as enjoyable as possible for the buyers or else they will just end up frustrated and leave the shop empty handed.

There are some eCommerce sites that are phenomenal when it comes to web design. They’ll play around with the graphics and animation of features to make the website look lively and bring their store character, but for today I am just going to focus on a simple shop that I think works well even without all the frills.

Romwe.com is a clothing store that I occasionally like to buy from. It may not offer textbooks like my bad website example, but it’s essentially also a shopping platform that you can buy things off of.

The front page has a nice carousel with different trends and outfits from their shop as well as any deals and promotions they currently offer as well as the coupons and spread throughout the site if you somehow miss the homepage.


The thing I love most about their homepage is that they have deals on certain items in their store with the old price and mark-down price as well as a counter for how much longer the deal will last. You can also save items to your wishlist instead of going straight to cart. Also, if you hover over the item you would like there is an option to add to cart without even having to go to the product page. Then on their product list pages, there is a scroll to top button to make the page easier to use for their customers.


On the bottom of their homepage, they also have images gathered from social media when users write a certain hashtag when posting about their pieces.


I really like this website because they are able to deliver as much information about a product possible while also keeping the sites design as clean as possible which also makes it easy to navigate around.

Final Project

For the Drawing and Imaging Final Project, we went through several processes in order to get to the last piece. The first step was we went to the Metropolitan Museum of art and drew more perspective drawings of objects we found using the methods such as measuring angles and size we learned in previous classes. In the end we had a total of four drawings.



Next we gathered everyone’s drawings and cut them up to fit them onto a grid collage to learn about positive and negative spaces, shading, and values. We also learned about how placement can change the piece as we tried to create bigger shapes with the smaller shapes we cut out.


After the collage we stated transitioning into making the final piece. The goal was to first choose an artist to take inspiration to help us draw influence on how we should create the final piece. First we created black and white/colored pieces digitally then sketched out a draft by hand.

I chose Roberto Matta. Last year I fell in love with the style of an illustrator named Gamma who typically makes pencil drawings using only one shade. Matta’s style had remind me a lot of Gamma’s, which was the reason I decided to choose him.

Roberto Matta 1

Roberto Matta 2

Roberto Matta’s style focused on surrealism, modern art, and abstract expressionism. He was born in Chille and his art represented European, Latin American and American cultures. He had a strong position on social ideology and would often reflect his views on politics and war  in his work. His mediums consisted of etchings, sketches, aquatints, and more.

I enjoy this style because of how he emphasizes his highlights with white and is very simple when it comes to color. I also like how in some areas he is very sharp with his lines and then in other spots of his paintings he would blur his paintings out a bit more to make it look rough. Even though he did use more oil paints I felt like I could get the same effects using different color charcoal or hard pastels.

The two pieces that influenced me the most were L’Ultima Cena, made in 1985, and Pecador Justificado, made in 1952.



My piece kept up with the original images of my grid collage. I wanted to show more of his stylistic tendencies rather than concepts.

In my piece I clearly distinguished a lighter blue color for the background and pushed forward the objects using either a more purple color or white  depending on which object was to be highlighted. This helped distinguish figure ground in my piece.

This piece stuck to the grid so the drawing isn’t really continuous. I tried to connect big sections together to create more continuous lines.

To create unity the color is what really brings the piece together.

Side Note: I did end up re doing my first piece as well as make a whole new drawing as the first piece not working as cohesively as I originally intended. There was a big shadow in the corner that was distracting from the rest of the piece, some of the whites were too bright, and the lines could have been pushed further with more dimension.




Mötorhead Final Project

For the past few weeks the class has worked on creating packaging for an artist to promote a re-release of a single. Our song had been “Ace of Spades” by  Mötorhead. We used six images for inspiration which included the Jack Daniels logo, a rock on hand, speed metal symbol, speed freak symbol, coat of arms for the town Lemmy Kilmister was born in, and dead man’s hand.

Below are some links of our designs and inspiration in progress:

There was a debate on whether or not my partner and I would make both of our packaging designs for our project. We wanted to make the first design only so that we could focus our energy on getting our T Shirt printed. We knew once we had the shirt finalized that it would come out well and hoped to produce a complete product. In the end we integrated our second design with our first design by creating a card to pull out with the items on the inside.

We had an issue with getting our T-shirt printed because silk screening would cost around $100 for one T-shirt and the price only lowered if we bought it in bulk. We tried to print black ink on a white shirt instead with a digital printer, but it didn’t give the same heavy metal feeling the white ink on black did. We finally found a place in New Jersey called Flexy Custom Apparel to cute iron ons for us, but they only had the tools to print the parts of the design that were thick enough. The rest of the design that was too complicated I printed out onto a different type of iron on paper at home.

Another issue we had when making our final boxes was that in the design I had accidentally made the UPC code too small and we already constructed the boxes before we could reprint them. So my partner and I decided to make a sticker and print them at the computer lab to cover up the mistake.

This project was a bit of a challenge as both my partner’s and my own styles contrast a bit from the band. My partner tends to appreciate more of a minimalistic style and I like more pop punk artists rather than rock. However, even with different interests  I think our final results came out well. We ended up really trying to play up the biker side of the band through our designs.

The Overbearing and The Neglected Painting

For my studio final I wanted to show both spectrums of a neglected child versus one that is coddled and overshadowed by their parents. When I was making mock sketches for inspiration I had just drawn different ways I can draw two different people until I stumbled upon the idea of splitting in half a dollhouse and having the children moving throughout the house after school and doing activities designated towards their family style. I decided to do an ink painting with very vibrant colors to show that these households are on the extreme sides of family parenting styles.

Someone commented in class that I probably could have put rooms in the middle of both the upstairs of the house and downstairs to portray a neutral type of parenting style, which is something I wish I had done. I do like the outcome of how my painting turned out, although I do wish the two sides were may be a bit more distinguishable that the two children come from separate families.

Studio Final

A Time I Failed

The summer before my junior year in high school, I decided to enroll in a four-week program at the University of Pennsylvania. I would be taking Calculus and Micro Economics with other kids in my program as well as a few undergraduates at UPenn. At that time the university had been my dream school. I had it in mind that I in two years I would attend Wharton as a business and marketing major.I was so nervous the day I arrived. I intended to meet various professors at this dream school and get A’s all my classes. But I think I ended up idolizing this one school so much that is only lead me to choke in my classes and ultimately fail.

I was so nervous the day I arrived. I intended to meet various professors at this dream school and get A’s all my classes. But I think I ended up idolizing this one school so much that is only lead me to choke in my classes and ultimately fail.

To start off, I felt pretty confident to start Calculus. I wasn’t too bad in my high school math classes, so I figured how bad could it be. To my shock, my teacher had a heavy Russian accent and she would rush through her sentences. Before I could get half of what she wrote on the chalk board, everything would be erased.

So every day I would go back to my dorm and I think, “Okay, I will just try hard to understand my textbook then, may be that will help me understand what I am doing better.” But, no such luck. The textbook turned out to be just a bunch of questions and no explanations. The only way I could understand what I was looking at was to go through my half written notes and Kahn Academy.

I didn’t understand why I just couldn’t grasp all this information in my classes. All the other kids in my program would be having fun learning and then taking their breaks while I felt miserable and would never be caught without my books. One day our program even took us to Hershey park for a weekend and instead of going on the rides like everyone else, I found a bench to sit on while I tried my hardest to read while wind blew around my pages because I still didn’t come close to understanding what I was supposed to be learning in class.

But, I didn’t want to give up yet. I scheduled and attended office hours with my teacher in which she would show me and answer to a problem then crumple up the answers and tell me I couldn’t have them because I need to learn this on my own.

I was coming quite close to failing, and all the time I spent trying to understand Calculus, I missed out on the time to speak to the professors like I had intended earlier and didn’t get to completely study for my economics course.

In the end, I dropped the course with a Pass/Fail grade and had a C in my economics class. But, my failure didn’t end there. I was so ashamed of what I had done and thought I was so stupid for not understanding what I had done wrong. So like the scuba diver in “The Art of Failing” by Malcolm Gladwell, I tried grasping for ways out of my situation, which only made me sink harder.

I began looking for ways to hide my grades from my parents and when I was alone I would panic and scream with my head spinning from the pressure. I didn’t know how long I could keep my grades a secret. Then one day my parents found out I had been lying about my grades, which got me into more trouble. Not because I did so badly in school, but because I hid my grades for so long.

In comparison to the stories from “The Art of Failure”, I think the first part of this story my failure definitely resulted in me choking on tests. It’s not that I was bad at math, but may be because I went into this school with all these built up expectations, which lead to me constantly messing up my exams. Then the lying came from me panicking about when to do, and I grabbed for a solution without really thinking about what I was doing. I ended up causing more trouble this way and couldn’t recover before it was too late.

In relation to reading “Managing Oneself” by Peter Drucker, he tells us to ask ourselves what are my strengths, how do I perform, what are my values, where do I belong, and how should I contribute? At that time, I know a lot of my performance had dropped because I had so much doubt in myself. I went in expecting to do well, but at the same time as each day rolled by I started to doubt my abilities to understand concepts more and more. I felt out of place in the class like everyone was smarter than me and that it even mattered if they were. Always being truthful with your family is one of the core values my dad had always taught me since I was little. However, when I panicked, I completely threw that out of the window.

The Overbearing and The Neglected Final Paper


Parenting can be a struggle. There are courses to teach you the proper ways of swaddling, feeding, and changing a baby, but it is difficult to say what is the best way to raise a child. Because of this, some parents can fall into the trap of being overbearing and feel the necessity to check on their children’s every move, while others choose to push their children towards independency before they are mature enough. Needless to say, this doesn’t mean there aren’t any families that can meet in between and be successful, but there are many families who just can’t find the balance.

My parents grew up as what is known as “latch key kids”. They both immigrated from overseas when they were around the age of eight years old. My mother grew up in a family of thirteen. Her mother lived in America while she lived in the Philippines and by the time my grandmother had enough money to help her immigrate to the US, my grandmother had also built her own new life without her children. Thus my mother grew up primarily raised by her older brothers and sisters. She moved in with my father at the early age of eighteen ready to start building her new life too early.

Similarly, my father grew up taking care of his younger brother alone. My grandfather worked as a Taiwan ambassador. He always travelled around the world leaving my grandmother to care for her children alone. However, she also chose to pursue her own interests and keep herself busy when my father and uncle were growing up.  She would work at a beauty parlor for years so she could raise her own spending money. Due to his loneliness, my father become pretty reckless at a young age. My father would often tell me stories of getting kicked out of college, throwing desks out of windows, and engaging in drag races on the streets. However, when he grew up he started realizing his behavior was bad and completely shifted his mindset.

The term “latch key kid” became a commonplace when describing members of Generation X; those who were born from the 60’s to the 80’s.[1] It was used to describe children who were left alone after school to take care of themselves while their parents were away at work. This generation was the first to experience mass numbers of parents dropping their children off at day care.

Before this, the first time children were seen being left home alone so much was during the 40’s when their fathers went off to fight in World War II. Consequently, to support the family, mothers were left to get a job to bring home the annual income. [2]

This shifted for the next generation as most fathers were absent in the family due to the high rate of divorce. When it came to the law and it was time for the two parents would split their belongings, the paternal side did not have much “legal pull”[3], leaving mothers full responsibility to take care of their children alone.

The divorce rate was so high while many women strived to gain independence. This period became transformative for women as they set out to explore political and sexual freedom. Women were participating in this new women’s movement without much financial stability and this ultimately lead to the neglect of many children. In turn, about 40 percent of children who grew up in Generation X turned out to be “latch key kids”. This left the children with little to help guide them, and a research study made in 2004 called The Reach Advisors found that this generation “went through its all-important formative years as one of the least parented, least nurtured generations in U.S. history.”[4]

This becomes a problem because without the proper guidance and nurturing, children are more susceptible to bad behavior and tendencies. They become bored easily when alone and mistrust a lot of those on the outside. It is debatable to say whether or not being a “latchkey kid” was a good or bad thing as children did become more aware and independent. However, according to Nancy Flowers and Steven B. Mertens in “Should Middle School Grades Be Left Home Alone After School?” those who rebelled also could be easily succumbed to peer pressure and would start smoking, drinking, inducing drugs, and participating in sexual activities.[5]

I grew up in the opposite family style from my parents, which is called a “helicopter parent family”. Meaning, I have parents who hover over my every move, whether it is in regards to my education, safety, or social life. “Helicopter parents” aren’t necessarily your average strict parent. They take control of many of their child’s experiences, successes, and failures.

Many “latchkey kids” from 80’s have fears from how they were raised so they now have the encouragement to raise their own children differently. From these fears of repeating their past, some debate that today’s children are being coddled too much to a point where it becomes over bearing. Many families are now seen as providing too much for their children where as back then they had been seen to neglect their children. In today’s society, any signs of neglect towards children would not be accepted or even tolerated in some cases.

When my parents met, they both had grown distant from their families. When they decided to settle down and have a family, my father, like many other “helicopter parents”, vowed they would not repeat his parent’s mistakes of neglecting him as a child. In contrast, my father always overcompensated for everything by making sure I was always productive and doing the right thing. Nothing could be out of order without him getting angry about it. There was always a lot of pressure on me to get in the right business school, have the top grades, and to be the best at everything I do because everything was a competition in his eyes. My mother had been a bit more lenient when it came to parenting, which only made him angrier when something wasn’t done his way.

My parents would often get in fights and stand offs my parents about raising me, money, and conflicts with their families, so there were times I got anxious and depressed throughout high school. But as I grew older and I was ready to go off to college, my father came into conflict with finally letting me go. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to let me leave even though he knew it was time for me to start becoming my own person.

As he released his hold, I started to realize my father has always had the best intentions for us and he wanted to make sure we didn’t go through any of the troubles that he went through in his past.

“Helicopter parenting” usually comes from families who grew up in a highly educated middle class house hold, so they could share their social and financial resources with their kids. A study found that 73 percent of parents in their 40’s or 50’s gave their children financial help in 2013.[6] The fear now is that kids are going to be protected to a point where they become weak and can’t stand up for themselves. It was found that many young adults in their 20’s move around from job to job when the workload isn’t right and they no longer have resilience or good work ethic.[7] In my opinion, whether or not a child grows up as a “latch key kid” or in a “helicopter parent family” they will each grow and mature with age and become independent from their families at their own pace.

There is no saying which direction of parenting is best. Everyone grows up differently and this influences a lot of our thoughts and beliefs. Where we come from becomes who we are as we start to adopt little habits and tendencies our parents teach us.



Works Cited


[1] “A Teacher’s Guide to Generation X Parents.” Edutopia. 2010. Accessed April 19, 2016. http://www.edutopia.org/generation-x-parents-relationships-guide.

[2] “CBC Discusses circa 1939: Who Had It Better- Barbarians or Modern Man? – Home | Rewind with Michael Enright | CBC Radio.” CBCnews. 2014. Accessed April 19, 2016. http://www.cbc.ca/radio/rewind/cbc-discusses-circa-1939-who-had-it-better-barbarians-or-modern-man-1.2819690.

[3] Thomas, Susan Gregory. “All Apologies: Thank You for the ‘Sorry'” The Huffington Post. Accessed April 19, 2016. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-gregory-thomas/all-apologies-thank-you-f_b_931718.html.

[4] “A Teacher’s Guide to Generation X Parents.” Edutopia. 2010. Accessed April 19, 2016. http://www.edutopia.org/generation-x-parents-relationships-guide.

[5]  Mertens, Steven B; Flowers, Nancy “Should Middle Grades Students Be Left Home Alone After School?”, September 5, 2006

[6] “Boomer Parenting/Grand-ing.” The Boomer Expert. Accessed April 19, 2016. http://www.theboomerexpert.com/boomer-parentinggrand-ing.html.

[7] “Have Our Kids Gotten Soft? Five Ways to Teach Them Grit.” CNN. Accessed April 19, 2016. http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/14/health/grit-teaching-resilience-children-parenting/.