Artist Book Content

Civic Center Map – Government Buildings

This week’s mapping assignment was to get lost somewhere in the city and map it out. I chose to go further downtown to Civic Center. This location holds buildings such as the Supreme Court building and City Hall. I wanted to map these buildings that had a particular architecture. Some government buildings like police headquarters had architecture that wasn’t as intricate, which is why I decided to not include them.

Here is the map I created with the buildings laid out on them.

Civic Center

This is the layout without the buildings.Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.41.28 PM


Highline Mapping: Circles

New York City is an interesting place, mainly because of its intriguing architecture. Many of its buildings lack the basic shapes we know such as rectangles, squares, triangles. A simplified version of the structure might feature these types of shapes as well as some modern buildings, but most buildings are then intensified by its complex forms. So, for my project I decided to map out circular objects found throughout the structure of the Highline.
