Post card – Pley

ScanThe goal of this assignment was to find an emerging development that is a community practice. I decided to focus on the organization Pley. This company allows families to rent Lego play sets. Often times when ever a child grows out of their toys they just dispose of it and the set becomes wasted.

This service allows children to experience an unlimited amount of toys. Instead of just chucking away something they get bored with, they simply return it to the company who will then send it to another child requesting the toy.

So far the company is only limited to Legos, but I think this is a wonderful business model that can expand to other products as well.

The company would target families, but and even closer niche market would be for Teen Parents. This group of people don’t have a lot of money to spend on their children because they aren’t earning their own income and they are still in school themselves. This company would give families who can’t as easily afford toys the opportunity to be able to provide them for their families.


Scan 1

Civic Center Map – Government Buildings

This week’s mapping assignment was to get lost somewhere in the city and map it out. I chose to go further downtown to Civic Center. This location holds buildings such as the Supreme Court building and City Hall. I wanted to map these buildings that had a particular architecture. Some government buildings like police headquarters had architecture that wasn’t as intricate, which is why I decided to not include them.

Here is the map I created with the buildings laid out on them.

Civic Center

This is the layout without the buildings.Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 8.41.28 PM


Circle Line ReDo

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Originally when depicting the Circle Line in a visual composition, I decided to focus on the Albatross Birds. This time I wanted to create a whole new type of composition to correlate to the powers of 10.  Click here for previous post.

My inspiration for this peace was The Global Citizen Festival. I think this event is interesting because it is non-profit and is able to gather almost 70,000 people each year to promote awareness to causes such as education, poverty, and even water conservation. An important visual piece such as concert posters are often times used to promote events such as this.

Through Photoshop and Illustrator I decided to create a concert poster inspired piece for the Circle Line.

The Powers of 10 laid throughout the piece very subtly so the composition would not be too over whelming.

The First power of 10 would be 10^1 where it zooms out to the coast line of the Gowanus Canal. I   placed that image behind the logo. Originally the image was a photograph of the shore where garbage was collected onto the rocks. To stylized the piece I turned the photo into a polygraph composition

Here is the original photo:

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The Next Power of Ten is 10^7 where you are able to see the earth. Here I wanted to display a map of the world and its surrounding water. I also created a swirl pattern in the poster to depict where the main gyres are located.

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Third we start to zoom back in again to 10^0.2 where the background of the poster is the water of the Gowns canal and in it you can see floating images of plastic bags and water bottles.

Around 10^-2 is the size of water droplet which is the shape I am holding in my hands.

The last power I included was around 10^-4 which is all the bacteria and amoeba that can be found in water due to pollution from plastics and other non decomposable resources that can be found in our water ways.

Note that the image of the bacteria did come from a post on

Natural Dying Process


  1. The first part of this process was to purchase the products that would be used to dye the material. I bought Mum Buddy which was a purple flower, chrysanthemum, a more yellow tinted flower, and Concorde grapes. For a small tub of grapes, they cost around $7. Each bouquet of flower cost around $20 each.

Cleaning and Mordanting

  1. Started dying process the day after the materials were bought.
  2. First boiled the cloth material in 4-5 cups of water with Tide for an hour. 4th Heat setting out of 9
  3. Began making mordant: 5 cups of water, 2 tsp of Alum Powder, 2 tsp of Soda Ash, 1 ½ tsp or Tartanic, ½ tsp of soda
  4. Boiled material in mordant for 45 minutes and let cool for 20 minutes


  1. Split the material in half and started with the purple dye
  2. Placed 60 stalks of purple flowers in pot with 4-5 cups of water and boiled for about 30 minutes
  3. Added 2 tsp of salt for more vivid color
  4. Cooked material in dye solution for about 1 hour
  5. Poured in plastic container to ferment over night


  1. Placed 9 buds and 13 Flowers’ petals in pot and boiled for 30 mins.
  2. Added 2 tsp of salt for more vivid color
  3. Cooked for 1 hour
  4. Poured dying solution and material into container overnight
  5. Yellow came out vivid color the next day, so fabric was rinsed and left out to dry over night
  6. Purple did not dye as properly, so decided to red dye with grapes


  1. Used 161 grape peels to repeat dying process and fermentation
  2. Added 2 tsp of salt for more vivid color
  3. This material dyed a lot better.

Clean up

  1. Kept plastic tubs to store the fabrics, pot will be kept although not used again to cook anything.
  2. Dye was accidentally dumped down drain instead of kept as a more eco friendly solution for disposal

More on my reflection of the assignment here 

Pop Up Picnic Eggs

2 Tsp Coconut Oil
2 Tsp Salt
4 Eggs



One dozens of eggs take up 636 gallons of water to produce them. A single egg requires 53 gallons of water. The chickens who lay the eggs need a “water-intensive grain feed” as well as water for drinking and irrigation.

I picked up eggs from the Knoll Krest Farm station at the Union Square Farmer’s Market. The Knoll Krest Farm is local to New York, located by the Hudson Valley, where it must transport its goods 88.9 miles away from Union Square. This converts to 17.78 gallons of water per trip to transport

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This farm is dedicated to raising their chickens without any antibiotics or hormones and only use a vegetarian feed. The eggs cost around $4/dozen

I couldn’t find the virtual water of coconut oil, but I chose to stay away from olive oil which requires 1,729 to produce. Coconut oil is also “relatively low on scale”

I couldn’t find virtual water of salt.

The oil came from Trader Joe’s and the salt was an item I already had in my dorm. The Coconut Oil cost $6.99 The eggs were also made and then with reusable appliances and packaged to transport to class in reusable Tupperware. To clean up, only the egg shells needed to be disposed of and then the pan, dishes, and utensils needed to be washed. Piping for washing requires 69030 gallons for 280 ft. of copper piping – 1700ft home. Dishes needs 12.7 gallons/set. The eggs also must be stored in the refrigerator because I prepared it to be eaten for the next day. A side-by-side refrigerator  used 25,363.2 gallons of water.







